
by The Support Ukraine of Jammlandia. . 10 reads.

Recruitment, Discharge, and Drafting


Any person ages 18-50 may enlist in the military for a combat role during a time of peace, and 18-60 during a time of crisis. Non-combat roles are available for those ages 16-55. Those who are shown to be mentally or physically incompetent, or have been dishonorably discharged in the past are exempt and barred from military service. A delayed entry program exists for citizens ages 16-18, which will pay for any remaining schooling. Those wishing to apply as an officer are required to study for 4 years in military theory and strategy at the Jammlandian Institute for the Military Sciences, as well as passing standard boot camp. Any citizen re-enlisting in the military will be given their previous rank.

Honorable Discharge

If a soldier is honorably discharged, they will be relieved of their military service and be given a pension, insurance, and will be allowed to keep any badges earned by rank or merit. All persons in the military during a time of peace will be honorably discharged at age 65. Officers ranked colonel and up may apply to stay in the army as a purely leadership role until 75. Other reasons for honorable discharge include: Injury, granted leave, familial obligations, trauma, end of draft, and/or death.

Dishonorable Discharge

If a soldier is dishonorably discharged, they will be relieved of their military duties, have all merit and rank revoked, court marshaled, not receive pension or insurance, and may be tried in a criminal court. Reasons for dishonorable discharge include, but are not limited to: desertion, cowardice, illegal enlistment, lack of discipline, refusal to follow orders without a valid justification, endangerment of soldiers, equipment, and/or intelligence, and/or violations of national or international law.


Jammlandia has no draft during times of peace. However, during times of crisis, a draft of all citizens ages 18-40 may be initiated. Any citizens drafted will remain in military service until discharged. If a crisis is deemed great enough, the draft may be extended to all citizens ages 18-50, and possible ages 18-60. Those previously honorably discharged will be placed later in the draft then those who haven’t, as well as keeping their previous rank upon re-entry, and those who are barred from enlistment will also not be drafted.
