
by Cahrmody of the english kingdom. . 2 reads.

A great more lot of elections and also the Wars!

so yesterday we talked about many things, we talked about such things such as the wars and also some of the elections! So yes that happened yesterday anyways today lets start off with some news! So right now we are going to say the wars which are going on still in Europe so then first things first is that we can See that the Soviet union has looked like they have been pushed back to petrograd by Finland, so maybe because of the cold there, and then also we have seen some machine gun fire in France by Luxembourg and also The Netherlands have been fighting them for at least some weeks now only 67, so then after English planes and ships are arriving at the docks of both the Countries who are battling them, so then looks like at least 40,000 troops from England and some Dreadnoughts, so we'll see that soon, also with the war with Vietnam so far it is going good, as we can see that China is landing troops in the Philippines to help them and also are fighting off Vietnamese troops so we can see that now so that is all good, so then also England is doing well against other countries which are fighting us such as the Soviet communist party Of Russia which is here In England has been defeated and now Russian troops have rescued only 78/234 so then we can see that as a good thing, since the Communists are doing bad things and we want that to stop, and also the Prime minister has also Announced a special operation on Norway and then it's called Stop Stalin, the main goal is to basically defeat the wars of Sweden and Norway and make them alliance again and also with England and then try to get the Soviet union to get knocked out more quickly, and also try as many countries in as Possible, so then also we are seeing a Assault from green party areas, on English troops with there on troops, as they have been pushing English ones a little bit back, since what happened so now we are seeing some things happening, so then also on the elections we have seen seven states won by liberals all of them so then lets say which ones they are, so the first thing is that Kingston has been won by liberals with a total of 78 votes and the second most was 34 which was the green party so then next one Saint Albans which has been won by Liberals again so Congrats to them, and then the rest is mostly the south and some of the west, so then anyways today we are going to have three interviews with people, so anyways let start today with some weather report, so right now it is rainy and we have rain right now at only 17 degrees as then we are seeing the best of it, now and then after 30 minutes half an hour, and then also the percent of Communists captured is about 33 percent, so then anyways after 30 minutes we see a nice thing as it goes up to 23 degrees, so then after we see some 14 degrees, and then after five minutes we are having a quite cold time, at -4 degrees, and then after two hours another -10 degrees, and then for the rest of the day it'll be 24 degrees, so then a big jump, so then anyways since we have cleared the weather report, lets start with the news with Katie, so please tell us what happened today now, yes Jim two things happened the first thing is that a Tank which was stolen and then destroyed a tiny Village in London, has been caught and the man behind it is named Wilson Sphere, so then he is arrested and charged with stealing and his wife to, they have been sentenced to prison and for how many years that will be actually 15 years since of what happened, so then we will see him going to jail today later on at 5:35 pm, since we have been told by the court that it'll happen by then so yes we'll wait for that one, so then the next thing which has happened is that the Vietnamese planes has been seen over the borders of England flying across the Ocean with bombers, and we have seen some bombs in them, and reportedly actually firing guns, and then killed three people, now lets have an interview with a man in the Village who survived the tank bombing, so please tell us, yes I was in my bed sleeping with my wife, and then all of a sudden we heard some explosions, and then we saw fire and then it ran over a house with it, as then more people came out and panicked, as then I grabbed my robe as my wife to, and ran outside our house, with our kids to and then people were splashing water on the houses to stop them, so then we started to see the tank bowled up the royal house, and then some people charged but then they were killed from burn, and then after we managed to stop the tank, and beat his butt, so yes. Okay thank you for that one, and now lets have it back to Jim, so thanks Katie for the news and now lets have our first interview with Mary Johnson, so please tell us, yes you know Recently, and then we are raising funds for those kids, as you know yesterday that kids were taken from England to Vietnam and tortured, so then now we are seeing that people are coming now and trying to get them back with the money so we can save them so yes. Thank you and we should really donate money for that, and now for our second interview with Rachel Ken, so please tell us, yes Jim I know that the wars in Europe has gone really bad as you know, since of what is happening we need to recover from this since it is really bad what we are in so far and we also need to stop the bad from going forward since we need peace and not fighting, and then we also need to save everyone from the bad things since what is happening so yes, Thank you for that one and now for our next interview with Sidney Neil, so please tell us, Yes I think that the jobs in England are good and we need just more since of the times we are in and we need to focus on two things stopping the wars and also Computing with the economy, and we need to do that since of the wars can really damage good things we need such as the economy so then we need to focus on both things and also do the right things, so thank you Sidney for that interview, and then we'll be back for more news.

Cahrmody of the english kingdom
