
by The Elected Monarchy of World Trade. . 15 reads.

Naval Ship Classifications

Odin class-
Odin (Oдиn) is Эsskиy for one, and as such the Odin class is the largest and most advanced class of naval vessel in World Trade besides its carriers. They are 699 ft long, and 18 stories tall. They have 2 sets of 50 foot long cannons, and 13 high powered lazsers. They also have surface to air missiles and 5 AA cannons. It is a type of Cruiser.
Elizabeth class-
The Elizabeth class are the main carrier class for World Trade. It is heavily inspired by the Nimitz class carrier, although it is capable of stealth missions, and carrying VTOL aircraft, which most of the WTNA are. It has very little for it's own defence, with 8 AA guns and machine guns all around it. It is usually accompanied by an escort of Viktor, Elric or Piat class ships.
Viktor class-
Viktor class ships are a form of Destroyer. They are effectively a Zumwalt-class destroyer with more powerful engines, a railgun and lasers. They are a lot cheaper to build. They are the cheapest of all World Trades destroyers to build, and thus are the most common. They only cost ~C£200 million to build
Elric class-
A type of frigate, it is the fastest type of Frigate, with a top speed of 46 knots. They are very similar in design to the USS Freedom, but are both 1.3 times longer and taller. They also have two main guns and 1 laser
Piat class-
The Piat class is a form of Corvette which is 297 ft long. It is the most heavily armed Corvette class, and only 3 have ever sunk. They are slightly faster than the Elric class, with a top speed of 51 knots. They are one of the most feared ships due to their fast pace and strong guns.

Examples of WTN ships:
TMS Victoria
TMS White
TMS Viktory
TMS New Год
TMS Sиоп
