
by Veradax. . 474 reads.

Alliance of Dictators Rules and Guidelines


    1. Limited Resources: A nation does not have the ability to produce infinite tanks or soldiers, it has limited supplies. No autarkies that have every conceivable resource.
    2. No Metagaming: Metagaming – defined as the player using their real-life knowledge of the state of the game to determine the actions of their characters, when said characters have no awareness or relevant knowledge under the circumstances – is strictly prohibited.
    3. Role Play Etiquette: You cannot force someone to role play with you.
    4. Magic: Magic is allowed.
    5. Nation States Stats are not used for role play here. Your nation in role play is not defined by NS stats, so feel free to get creative.
    6. Map: If no posts are made for an uninterrupted two week period, then a nation will be declared inactive. If a nation remains inactive for a two week long uninterrupted period, then they shall lose their spot on the map. Exceptions will be made for those that provide prior notification, we understand that people have lives.
    7. No God-modding: You can only control your own characters, unless consent is given by the player whose character(s) you are (temporarily) taking control of.


    1. Tech Levels: There are five tech levels, Past Tech(PT), Modern Tech(MT), Post Modern Tech(PMT), Future Tech(FT), and Fantasy Tech(FanT). Past tech is the loosest category, anything from the stone age to the end of world war two. Modern tech is anything from the cold war, to modern day. Post Modern Tech is defined as anything within the confines of the “Near future” that is still bound by the laws of physics. Future Tech is defined as “Far Future” and allows for things seem in space operas like handheld energy weapons and warp drives. Fantasy Tech is anything with magic. Generally it is recommended that a nation of a given tech level only interact with nations of equal tech level, or that are one tech level apart. For example a Modern tech nation can relatively easily Role play with a PT, MT, or PMT nation.
    2. Mixed Nations: It is possible to have a “Mixed Nation” or one that has multiple tech levels within it. Often this takes the form of an otherwise MT or PMT nation with certain FanT elements – mostly the presence of an enclave of magic users. But it can also be applied to have a MT or PMT nation with a PT group in it.
    3. Magic: While magic is allowed, it is recommended that players develop a concrete system to define it’s use. This prevents misuse and arguments in the future. This type of magic system is called a hard-magic system. An example would be eating different types of resources for different effects, or just a system where it is defined what experience/power is needed for certain spells.
    4. While the region is named “The Alliance of Dictators” your nation does not have to be a dictatorship, feel free to get creative.
    5. Please do have a motivation for your nation’s actions in regional role play. As an example, X Nation has gone to war with Y Nation for seemingly no reason. This situation can be fixed relatively easily, X Nation indicates that it has a historical/cultural claim on land owned by Y Nation and has gone to war to reclaim it.


