
by The Soviet Republic of Free Stalliongrad. . 217 reads.

Who holds power in the People's Republic of Stalliongrad?

Currently the country's government is entrusted to the Supreme Soviet to lead Stalliongrad after the separation from Equestria. This institution, made up of representatives of the proletariat, is trying to guide the country according to the principles of communism and Markism, waiting for the election of the new General Secretary.
After the death of Steel Stallion, in fact, the position of General Secretary remained vacant. Three candidates and their respective factions are making themselves known within the Supreme Soviet for the conquest of power. The election of one of them will determine the future of Stalliongrad forever.

Altidiya Revoltsova

The most moderate of the three candidates, Altidiya believes in a socialism without authoritarianism, peaceful (but not unwary) and reformist. She promises to grant some political freedoms and guarantee more civil rights.

Vasiliy Pantsushenko

More industrialist and propagandist, Vasiliy wants to make Stalliongrad an industrial avant-garde, to grow its economy and give glory to the Communist Party and its revolution.

Sinister Serov

Sinister wants to focus everything on Party authority. The best way to spread the revolution and fight capitalism are weapons, fanaticism and willpower. For this reason every traitor and enemy of motherland will be severely punished.

Update date: 10/04/1008 ALB - 10/11/1008 ALB (2020)
On the current date, the Supreme Soviet met to elect the Secretary General of Stalliongrad and, after a week of discussions, entrusted the task of leading the nation to Altidiya Revoltsova.
