
by The First Republic of Zamastan. . 1,641 reads.

C.C.A. MAP - The In's and Out's

LinkCLICK HERE to see the most up-to-date version of our political map

Political map as of JANUARY 9th, 2024


How do I get on the map?
1. Make sure you're residing in the region, first! That's an important step ;)
2. Take a look at the map - any blank area is up for grabs.
3. Send the cartographer, Zamastan, or the Chief Lore Advisor, Quetana, a telegram consisting of your nation's name, the name of your capital, a description of your desired location, and the location of your national capital.
4. Absolutely no claiming spots on the map that are specifically owned by another player or areas beyond your granted application - bring any inquiries about the map to the Cartographer.

Are the countries on the map to scale with our NS-given stats, like populations?
No way, Jose. Zamastan, the cartographer and founder of the region, has a massive NS-given population. In the canon of the map's world, it has a population of 360 million. While that is still a large population in the real world, it's nowhere close to 13 billion+. We're aiming for realism in our world. Zamastan's massive population is realistic considering its size (roughly the size of Africa). Other countries, such as De Yuan and Haduastan, also have large areas and populations around 100 million, while their NS-given stats are also in the multi-billion range as of this dispatch's publishing. Some "filler countries" have significant populations, while the majority have small populations. Our "filler country" of Mupreburg, for instance, has 87,400.

So, long story short, this region is aiming for realism. We admire countries that go for smaller populations! The country of Alonnisosa has a canon-population of 23 million, for example. Aim for realism! Sound good? Cool :)

Why are there other countries on the map that don't exist in the region?
Double check with the cartographer - it could be that the nation in question has ceased to exist and the map is simply not updated to reflect that.

Otherwise, we in the Coalition of Crown Albatross are active roleplayers and wanted to have a world where we can have a lot more freedom and more flexibility to roleplay without angering or intruding on other player's desired play style. As such, we created some "filler countries" that only exist to fill in the map, be part of our world history, and be the basis of roleplaying.

To see a in depth list of the nations on the map, including the "filler countries", use the following link:

If I can't find suitable space in the blank areas, can nations make room for me?
If we start running low on space, we have multiple options. The first is that we will introduce new continents and expand the size of our planet. Second is to shrink down the borders of "filler countries".

How do I get puppets on the map, and is there a limit?
People are allowed to have multiple puppets, and though it’s preferred to be limited to two, more are allowed. However, for someone to get puppets placed on the map, they have to be both a consistently active member of the region and put significant work into their main nation before adding a puppet. It's definitely preferred that players keep it to a manageable and reasonable number while also being able to develop every country of theirs thoroughly. The time-period for being allowed to add a puppet to the map is 3 months from the first nation's joining in the region.

The First Republic of Zamastan

