
by The of 9003. . 106 reads.

Rank-Based Collections

Season 1:

Legendary: by Koem Kab Even acquiring a single Legendary card can be a challenge. Getting all 184 of them requires a boatload of cash, an eagle eye on your bids, and most of all, a fleet of farm puppets to finance the whole thing. This feat has also been achieved by Luna Amore, Mikeswill, and The Northern Light.

Epic: by Wopruthien Currently at 1814 this collection has nearly all 1832 Epics in Season 1 missing only a handful of incredibly rare cards.

Ultra-Rares: held on Karen matheson a puppet of Refuge Isle
This incredible collection has nearly every Ultra-rare printed during Season 1.

Common* by 9003
This absolutely insane collection is a combination of Season 1 and Season 2 but the goal is the same and that is every single common. With over 200,000 cards to collect between the two Seasons.

Season 2:

Legendary: by The Northern Light
Currently two nations can share this collection the other being Feu de Glace.

The of 9003

