Dispatch → Meta → Reference
Tools of the Card Farming Trade updated 1/17/2020
This serves as a collection and distribution site for any of
All of these codes abide by the rate limit and use the API and can be found here on my NS google drive
AskBid: A helpful code that finds every bid or ask that you currently have on a list of nations.
Simple name searching program. Input 9003it will only return
9003 not
Deal finder: Searches a list of cards for any that have a current Ask at or Below MV
OwnerReport: Prints out every card that has less then a set threshold of owners on your puppets
If you would like the source code for any of these projects please reach out to 9003 and I will gladly send it your way. Likewise any questions you may have on how to operator the codes just send me a TG.
General steps:
Put your puppets in the name.txt file
Run the .bat file and the code will do the rest