
by Diche choklate. . 27 reads.

The Constitution of the New Republic of Diche Choklate (Written in 1762 by Charles Demarcus, Anthony Quintelle, Jorge Luxembourg, and Vivian Degualle)


We the people of the New Republic of Diche Choklate in order to establish a government capable of fulfilling the duties of establishing and upholding law and order, to establish justice, to provide for the common defense, and to secure the blessings of liberty and freedom for all do humbly establish the constitution of the New Republic of Diche Choklate.

—National Government—

The National Government has been put in place for the purpose of holding the Union of Diche Choklate together, keeping its borders safe and secure, to create and collect taxes, mint coins, and create laws.

-The President-
I. The president will act as the head of the national government.

II. One president shall be elected to head the government every 4 (four) years. The maximum number of terms that a president can serve is 3 (three).

III. Upon the expiration of the 3rd (third) term, the president must step down and is forevermore ineligible for re-election.

IV. The minimum requirements to become president are you must not have a criminal record, you must be 16 (sixteen) years of age or older, and you must be a citizen of Diche Choklate for at least 10 (ten) years.

V. If a president is unable to conduct his duties, he may temporarily step down giving his power to the current Vice President.

VI. The Vice President will be chosen by the president upon his election.

VII. If the president commits a felony, fails to fulfill his duties, or commits an otherwise heinous act while in office, it is the right of the senate and the people, by majority vote, to remove the president from office.

VIII. The duties of the president are as follows. 1) Chief of State- The President should represent the American people. 2) Chief executive- The President is in charge of enforcing laws, treaties, and agreements of Diche Choklate. 3) Commander in Chief- Highest command of the military 4) Chief Administrator- The President is in charge of the employment of government staff 5) Chief Diplomat- In charge of foreign relations 6) Chief legislator- Pass and veto laws. 7) Chief of party- Leader of his/her political party.

-The senate-
I. The people will also elect members of the senate. 2 (two) members will be elected from each state to represent that state in the senate. Each senator can serve 3 (three) terms of 4 (four) years.

II. The minimum requirements to run for senator are you must not have a criminal record, you must be the age of 16 (sixteen) years or above, and you must have had residence within Diche Choklate for at least 6 (six) years.

III. The Vice President will be the head of the senate and will only vote in the event of a tie.
The senators have the responsibility of listening to the people they represent in order to fulfill their wishes and install public policy as dutifully as possible.

IV. For the addition of each state, two more senators will join the assembly from that state.

V. If a senator goes against the will of the people or the people otherwise decide to remove a senator from office they may do so by majority vote.

VI. If a senator fails to vote in the same way as the people they represent, they may be removed from office by a majority vote of the people within their state.

VII. The duties of the senators is to 1) Assist in the lawmaking process. 2) Vote for the impeachment of the president if necessary. 3) Interpret laws to ensure that they are all constitutional.

-House of Representatives-
I. The people will also elect members of the house. The amount of members representing each state will be determined by the population of that state. Anchuria will elect 3 (three) representatives, Main will elect 1 (one) representative, Reagan will elect 4 (four) representatives, New Jerk will elect 4 (four) representatives, Raleigh will elect 6 (six) representatives, and Centre will elect 7 (seven) representatives.

II. The representatives must also obey the will of the people and work to establish public policy as dutifully as possible.

III. If a new state is added to the union, they will also receive representatives based on population.

IV. If a representative is incapable of fulfilling their responsibility or purposefully goes against the will of the people, they may be removed from office by majority vote.

V. The minimum requirements to become a representative are that you must not have a criminal record, you must be 16 (sixteen) years of age or above, and you must have residency within Diche Choklate for at least 5 (five) years.

VI. The responsibilities of the representatives is as follows. 1) Create laws. 2) Vote for a president in the event of a tie. 3) Interpret laws to ensure that they are all constitutional.

-New Laws-
The creation of a new public policy must go through a series of checks and balances to ensure that it is fair to the majority of people and that all people have a say in whether the law passes or not. For a bill to become a law, the bill must be proposed by either the senate or the house. The bill must then be approved by a majority of both the house and the senate. If the bill is approved by both, the president has the power to either approve or veto the bill. In the event of a veto, the bill is automatically disapproved and will not become a law. If the bill is approved it goes to be voted on by the people. If a majority of the people vote for the bill, it becomes a law. The same system will be used to establish new public policies and services.

—State Governments—

State governments are to be established to protect states from the national government. They have the power to nullify any laws that the national government passes. It also allows individual states to create their own laws without effecting other states.

I.State governments will be headed by the governor of the state elected by the people.

II. To run for governor, you must have no criminal record, must be 16 (sixteen) years of age or above, and must be a resident of the state being run for for a period of at least 5 (five) years.

III. The maximum amount of time a governor can serve as governor is 1 (one) term for 6 (six) years.

IV. The governor can be voted out of office by a majority vote of the people.

V. The governor’s responsibilities are as follows. 1) To provide a state address halfway through their term as an official statement of how their state is doing and the governor’s plans for the future. 2) To be the head of the state they represent. 3) Be the president of the State Electorate.

-State Electorate-
I. Each state will elect 21 (twenty-one) electorates.

II. State Electorates have a term limit of 6 (six) years and can serve for 2 (two) terms.

III. State Electorates must be at or above the age of 25 (twenty- five), must have been a resident of the state they wish to represent for 8 (eight) years or more, and they must have no criminal record.

IV. State Electorates can be voted out of office by a majority vote of the people.

V. State Electorates are responsible for 1) making new state laws. 2) Ensuring the peace and safety of the state they represent. 3) Maintaining the union with other states.

-State Laws-
New laws must be proposed by the state’s Governor. Once the bill is proposed it moves to the state Electorates who vote on whether to pass the law or deny it. If the law is passed it is voted on by the people. If the people approve it, it becomes a law.

—City Governments—

Individual cities will also set up their own government structures. These will be headed by a mayor of the city to listen in on council meetings and make decisions on whether a vote should be vetoed or passed. Residents of the city will vote for a council of 10 (ten) people to represent them in town meetings. City governments cannot establish their own laws and cannot nullify the laws established by the state or national government. City governments are responsible for collecting taxes, and running public services and public spaces.

-The Mayor
I. The mayor may be voted out of office by a majority vote of the city’s residents.

II. The mayor can serve a maximum of 5 (five) years for 2 (two) terms.

III. The minimum requirements to run for mayor are the mayor must be a resident of the city for at least 3 (three) years, the mayor cannot have a criminal record, and the mayor must be above 16 (sixteen) years of age or above. The council members can serve 3 (three) terms of 2 (two) years each. Council members may be voted out of office by majority vote. To run for council members must be 16 (sixteen) years of age or above, must not have a criminal record, and must be a resident of the city for 5 (five) years or more.

IV. The duties of the mayor are as follows. 1) To lead his/her city. 2) To preside over the city council and its decisions.

-City Council
I. Responsible for determining where tax money will be spent.

II. Must listen to the people and determine what is the best course of action to improving their living conditions.

III. Must be above the age of 21 (twenty-one). Must have no criminal record. Must have lived in the city they represent for at least 5 (five) years. Must be a citizen of Diche Choklate.


The following amendments can only be repealed with another amendment specifically calling for the repealment of the specified amendment. These are intended to be the guaranteed rights of all Choklatians.

Amendment 1: The government, state or national, will pass no law or policy that infringes the freedom of speech, press, religion, peacefully assemble, or petition.

Amendment 2: The right to bears arms shall not be infringed.

Amendment 3: In times of peace or war, no soldier shall be quartered in a privately owned house without the consent of the owner.

Amendment 4: protection against the unlawful search and seizure of persons or their property.

Amendment 5: No person can be put on trial for the same crime twice and the person has the right to remain silent when question by a judge, attorney, or law enforcement. Furthermore, in any criminal case, no person will be deprived their rights of life, liberty, or property.

Amendment 6: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State wherein the crime was committed, the guilty party will be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.

Amendment 7: the right to a trial by jury will be reserved for cases in which the cases of controversy exceed 20 (twenty) dollars. No evidence not presented to the jury cannot be re-examined by a court of law.

Amendment 8: Excessive bail or fines shall not be imposed nor the use of cruel and unusual punishment.

Amendment 9: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people

Amendment 10: the powers not delegated to the National Government of Diche Choklate, not prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States or its people.

Anendment 11: The president shall be granted the powers of executive order to create temporary laws and policies during times of war or if the nation is under attack.

Amendment 12: If the President is unable to perform his duties, a written note of disability must be sent to Congress signed and written by the president saying that he is unable to do his duty. If this occurs, the power of the President is given to the Vice President.

Amendment 13: Presidential succession will move in the order that follows with each successor following the same rule as Amendment 12. 1) President 2) Vice President 3) Speaker of the house 4) President’s pro tempor 5) Secretary of State 6) Secretary of the Treasury 7) Secretary of Defense 8) Attorney General 9) Secretary of the interior 10) Secretary of Agriculture 11) Secretary of commerce 12) Secretary of labor 13) Secretary of Health and Human Services 14) Secretary of Transportation 15) Secretary of Energy 16) Secretary of Education 17) Secretary of Veterans affairs 18) Secretary of Homeland Security.

Amendment 14: Both state and national government have the power to appoint new positions if it is required.

Amendment 15: Both state and national governments have the power to create laws, policies, or institutions if they are deemed necessary and proper by the Supreme Court to carry out the powers vested in the government by the constitution. These laws can be repealed by majority vote.

Diche choklate
