Dispatch → Bulletin → Campaign
December 2019 Officer Elections - PowerPAOK/Nequedum/Glacikaldr's Campaign (Culture Officer)
Good afternoon or morning or evening my fellow Rejects,I am writing here today (at a very early or late or medium time depending on your timezone) to express my interest in running in the upcoming December 2019 Officer Elections following my nomination by Catalyse, and its subsequent second from Bormiar.
My preference, for this election, is in being assigned Culture Officer if successful, however, I would gladly perform any Officer positions, or any new Officer position, amicably and with the same due diligence as my previous two Officer incumbencies as Media Officer as well as my Deputy Officer (DO) positions of Foreign Affairs DO (DOoFA) and Media DO.
For my platform, if elected and assigned Culture Officer, I propose the following:
Adoption of an Internal Communications Plan
As applauded during my first term as Media Officer in early 2018, I intend to deliver a greater quantity of internal communications and accountability among the Culture Department Staff. An emphasis on properly managed delegation, as well as transparency surrounding such, is an important cornerstone of any Department, and particularly in line with the Cantonian legacy of revamping the TRR Media Corp. (as I was recently reminded of by Fratt). This will include regular -- at this stage, presumably monthly if not better (though I'm tempted to say as regularly as needed so that they do not become cheapened into uneventful necessities) -- updates from the Culture Officer with inclusions detailing Deputy and staffer projects. I will also endeavour to track and develop systems to monitor and congratulate active Culture Staff, of similar motive to the extensive TRT Staff Activity Monitor reformed by The Aligned People.
Emphasis on Culture as breaking down barriers between Gameside, Forumside and Serverside (from now on to be dubbed the triumphirect model)
Cultural initiatives continue to have the opportunity to encourage interaction between the RMB, poll-users, discord-users and forum-users. Events should be conscious of this and aim to have events in all three main channels of the Rejected Realms. While draping the forum or a new discord server in dramoon (see 'orange' for the uncivilised) may be fun, events should coordinate with our discord moderators and forum admins to increase traffic across our region, inter-regionally and from foreign sources (allies especially). I feel well-connected in TRR and believe I can deliver outcomes that will benefit our region through coordinating with regional influencers and moderators. There are some NS mechanisms I still have to learn more about (I tried collecting cards but I have absolutely no clue how to do it with any genuine efficiency), though I feel like I have learnt some new ways to run events through the CYOA polls I previously ran and can deliver events and activities using polls to spur RMB activity, which we can then feed into our other channels. Under my leadership, the Culture Department will approach Outreach to develop and sustain strategies to work collaboratively in encouraging new Rejects to embrace our government. To this end, I will also collaborate with The Library of Spurned Knowledge to explore means to use the information available on the Hall of Fame to promote our region's history both inter-regionally, externally and in collaboration with the Media Department.
It's all fun and games
And so it damn well should be: our free time and energy is valuable, and should be spent being creative and having fun. Culture Staff should want to also deliver fun across the region and NS, which makes reaching out for feedback necessary, however, sometimes taking the initiative and delving into something new is good for productivity. I'd hate to see our cultural activities decline into a routine or chore for organisers. I will encourage creativity through my actions, through transparency and by helping support new ideas from other Rejects, taking the charge through delivering a number of new and adapted game modes for our region to enjoy (or not enjoy, which I will subsequently drop):
Free-to-Play Expansions for Escadian Battleship, with a thematic campaign and one-shot battles if the demand is there, beginning with a one-shot I've had in the back of my mind related to our regional occupation of playing Werewolf;
Unicorn Jousting (stealing the name from Manson and later Jack) involving poll-based competitions inspired by the Challenge 10th NSversary Special and the Royal Ass Côte Races in Where the Wild Things Are (as well as Wop's favourite ass); and
Werewolf-themed Secret Hitler as per the bounds of THE LAW and THE DEVELOPERS' WISHES
Maintaining a triumphirect model will also be a priority of mine whenever I look towards where to place my creative efforts and how to delegate workloads among the Culture Staff. While I believe in collaborative events across multiple regions, I will make sure traffic reaches our channels through hosting aspects of any events on our end (and I believe this will also benefit any region we collaborate with by having us be compelled to travel over to their forums or discord servers to return the gesture).
Putting on a very smooth and yet still just as hairy Rejectmas
Previously, in 2018 and prior, Rejectmas has mainly been a forum celebration accompanied by a reskin of our flag and World Factbook Entry. I'd like to expand the holiday to have gameside and serverside activities and advertise our Rejectmas celebrations across all three of our main channels, alongside sending out invitations to our embassy regions. Some forum activities could include a return of the Rejectmas Tree, a similar Pin the Tail on the Unicorn photoshopping activity, and a return of our Annual Chess Tournament (brought to the attention of the Culture Staff thanks to Jack)- even though I sucked last year. >_<
The madness is setting in (hence the heralding of the new triumphirect model), so I best stop typing, but I welcome any and all questions!
Thank you for your time and interest my Truly Rejected friends,
PowerPAOK, Nequedum
The Holy Frozen Purple Empire of Glacikaldr
Former Media Officer of the Rejected Realms