Dispatch → Bulletin → Policy
Government [LE]
[anchor=top][/anchor][i]Last edited on Sunday, December 1, 2024. If you find this dispatch helpful, please upvote.[/i] [url=region=lands_end][img]https://i.imgur.com/v603fdF.jpg[/img][/url][hr][font=palatino][size=160][color=#C6A500] | [/color][/size][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1420569][color=#C6A500][size=160]A[/size][size=120]UGUSTIN[/size] [size=160]A[/size][size=120]LLIANCE[/size][/color][/url][size=160][color=#C6A500] | [/color][/size][u][b][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1274835][color=#C6A500][size=160]G[/size][size=120]OVERNMENT[/size][/color][/url][/b][/u][size=160][color=#C6A500] | [/color][/size][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1275199][color=#C6A500][size=160]H[/size][size=120]ISTORY[/size][/color][/url][size=160][color=#C6A500] | [/color][/size][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1853347][color=#C6A500][size=160]I[/size][size=120]NFORMATION[/size] [size=160]C[/size][size=120]ENTER[/size][/color][/url][size=160][color=#C6A500] | [/color][/size][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1275206][color=#C6A500][size=160]M[/size][size=120]AP[/size][/color][/url][size=160][color=#C6A500] | [/color][/size][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1309269][color=#C6A500][size=160]R[/size][size=120]OLEPLAY[/size][/color][/url][size=160][color=#C6A500] | [/color][/size][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1853348][color=#C6A500][size=160]S[/size][size=120]TATISTICS[/size][/color][/url][size=160][color=#C6A500] | [/color][/size][url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1273163][color=#C6A500][size=160]R[/size][size=120]EGISTRY[/size][/color][/url][size=160][color=#C6A500] | [/color][/size][/font][hr] [anchor=theboardofdirectors][/anchor][box][center][url=#theboardofdirectors][size=170][font=palatino][i][color=#C6A500]The Board of Directors[/color][/i][/font][/size][/url][/center][hr] [list=1] [*]Chief Executive Officer (CEO) [list] [*]Held by [nation=noflag]Pantsville[/nation]. [*]The most powerful position in the region. [*]Elected semiannually by the Board through a one-week private vote at the beginning of the month. [*]Sets the course of the region and directs other officers. [*]Regional Officer authority includes Appearance, Border Control, Communications, Embassies, and Polls. [/list] [*]WA Delegate (WAD) [list] [*]Held by [nation=noflag]Deims Kir[/nation]. [*]Elected through endorsements. [*]Handles all WA-related matters for the region (posting in WA subforums, approving and voting, gauging opinion, maximizing endorsements and influence). [*]Regional Officer authority includes Executive, Appearance, Border Control, Communications, Embassies, and Polls. [/list] [*]Board of Directors (BoD) [list=I] [*]Chief Operating Officer (COO) [list] [*]Held by [nation=noflag]Tayichi[/nation]. [*]Elected quarterly by shareholders through a one-week public vote at the beginning of the month. [*]In charge of official operations and functions, appointing Senior Management - second-in-command. [*]Regional Officer authority includes Appearance, Border Control, Communications, Embassies, and Polls. [/list] [*]Chief Personnel Officer (CPO) [list] [*]Held by [nation=noflag]Bonnie Blue Republic[/nation]. [*]Elected quarterly by shareholders through a one-week public vote at the beginning of the month. [*]In charge of recruiting new members, integrating them into the region, and promoting shareholder status. [*]The duties of the CPO will now include the following clause: In charge of managing regional events and communicating with alliance officials to plan and organize inter-regional events. [*]Appoints officers to the Personnel Office. [*]Regional Officer authority includes Communications. [/list] [*]Chief Legal Officer (CLO) [list] [*]Held by [nation=noflag]hooseria_magna[/nation]. [*]Elected quarterly by shareholders through a one-week public vote at the beginning of the month. [*]Conducts trials and determines punishments for misconduct in the region. [*]Determines legality/validity of bills based on passed laws; makes sure that laws do not contradict each other. [*]Regional Officer authority includes Communications. [/list] [*]Chief Information Officer (CIO) [list] [*]Held by [i][color=grey][position vacant][/color][/i]. [*]Appointed by the founder. [*]In charge of maintaining offsite properties and handling technical matters. [*]This position includes no Regional Officer authority. [/list] [*]Chief Communications Officer (CCO) [list] [*]Held by [nation=noflag]New Tussia[/nation]. [*]Elected quarterly by shareholders through a one-week public vote at the beginning of the month. [*]In charge of building profitable relationships with other regions and acting as a liaison to them. [*]Regional Officer authority includes Embassies. [/list] [*]Founder (FDR) [list] [*]Held by [nation=noflag]august[/nation]. [*]Provides the highest level of oversight. [*]Permanent seat on the BoD. [*]Regional Officer authority includes Executive, Appearance, Border Control, Communications, Embassies, and Polls. [/list] [/list] [*]Senior Management (SM) [list=I] [*]Head Surveyor (HS) [list] [*]Held by [nation=noflag]hooseria_magna[/nation]. [*]Appointed by the COO. [*]Maintains the company's roleplay map. [*]This position includes no Regional Officer authority. [/list] [*]Vice President for Public Relations (VP-PR) [list] [*]Held by [nation=noflag]Pantsville[/nation]. [*]Appointed by the COO. [*]Publishes news articles. [*]This position includes no Regional Officer authority. [/list] [*]Secretary of the Board (SEC) [list] [*]Held by [nation=noflag]Deims Kir[/nation]. [*]Appointed by the Board. [*]Maintains regional dispatches, ensuring they are updated [*]Aids the board in the writing of any treaties or other such official documents. [*]Regional Officer authority includes Appearance and Communications. [/list] [*]Vice President for Research (VP-R) [list] [*]Held by [nation=noflag]south-central_rhodesia[/nation]. [*]Appointed by the COO. [*]Collects data from all employees and guests through polls. [*]Regional Officer authority includes Polls. [/list] [*]Ambassador(s) (AMB) [list] [*] Held by [nation=noflag]Deims Kir[/nation], [nation=noflag]Hooseria Magna[/nation], [nation=noflag]Dolplandia[/nation], [nation=noflag]Terra Argo[/nation], and [nation=noflag]North-Bardonia[/nation]. [*]Appointed by CCO, the application requires at least one reason why you are qualified. [*]Reports to CCO for questions and works with him directly to scout out regions. [*]This position includes no Regional Officer authority.[/list] [*]Personnel Officer(s) (PO) [list] [*]Held by [nation=noflag]Deims Kir[/nation]. [*]Appointed by CPO. [*]Attempt to make new employees feel welcome to Lands End. [*]Assist new employees integrating into the region and community. [*]Attempt to receive feedback from recently departed employees. [*]Pass any feedback from employees, past or present, onto the Chief Personnel Officer and the Board as a whole. [*]This position includes no Regional Officer authority.[/list] [/list] [*]Shareholders [list] [*]Held by [url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1273163#shareholders]these nations[/url]. [*]"Citizens" of the region. [*]Able to vote. [*]Able to propose bylaws. [*]Status granted through WA membership and an application. [/list] [*]Employees [list] [*]All residents not belonging to one of the above categories. [*]Still able to speak freely and make suggestions, but not vote (except via endorsements). [/list] [/list] [url=#top][img]http://i.imgur.com/CrYjuWW.png[/img] Return to top[/url][/box] [anchor=shareholderstatus][/anchor][box][center][url=#shareholderstatus][size=170][font=palatino][i][color=#C6A500]Shareholder Status[/color][/i][/font][/size][/url][/center][hr] Shareholders are residents who own a stake in the region and are thereby afforded special rights. Any resident who joins the World Assembly, submits the following application to the Secretary of The Board (currently [nation=noflag]Deims Kir[/nation]), and is approved, is then considered a shareholder. Shareholder status may be revoked by the CLO (currently [nation=noflag]hooseria_magna[/nation]) upon a conduct review by the Board, or unilaterally by the Founder. Resignation from the WA will result in the loss of shareholder status, except for members of the Joint Task Force. Current Shareholders are listed on the [url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1273163#shareholders]Registry[/url]. [u]Application[/u] Nation Name: Founding Date*: WA Status (Y / N): *To view one's founding date, visit [url=/page=boneyard]this page[/url]. At present, the additional abilities possessed by shareholders include the right to vote for Board members and to propose bylaws. [url=#top][img]http://i.imgur.com/CrYjuWW.png[/img] Return to top[/url][/box] [anchor=internalpolicies][/anchor][box][center][url=#internalpolicies][size=170][font=palatino][i][color=#C6A500]Internal Policies[/color][/i][/font][/size][/url][/center][hr] [url=https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1276030][u]Lands End Bylaws[/u][/url] [center][size=120][u]Process of Proposing a Bylaw[/u][/size][/center] [list=1][*]Authority [list=I][*]All shareholders may propose bylaws. [*]A shareholder may submit any proposal at any time.[/list] [*]Submission [list=I][*]All proposals must be sent to the CLO to verify legal consistency with existing bylaws. [*]The CLO is given one week to respond to any bylaws. If a response is not given in that amount of time, another Board member may be contacted with a bylaw request. [*]The shareholder who proposed the bylaw shall be alerted whether the bylaw was accepted or denied. [*]If the bylaw is approved, it shall go to the Board for a two day voting period. [*]All Board votes will go to the CLO. [*]If passed by the Board, the bylaw will be sent to the CEO, who may choose to accept or veto the proposal. [*]If the proposal is rejected by the the Board, the bylaw will not go to the CEO.[/list] [*]Veto Nullification [list=I][*]If a shareholder wishes to have the CEO's veto nullified, they must first send a request to the CLO. [*]After the request has been sent, it will be reviewed by the CLO and then it shall be put to a vote open to all the shareholders of Lands End for a 3 day voting period via telegram. If this request is not in a serious manner and/or does not contain proper grammar and spelling, the request will be denied by the CLO. [*]All votes must be sent to the CLO in order to be valid. [*]Any attempts to overturn a veto must pass with a 2/3 majority vote.[/list] [*]Requirements to Propose a Bylaw [list=I][*]All proposals must maintain proper grammar and spelling. [*]All proposals must state the name of the bylaw. [*]All proposals must state how it will benefit Lands End as a whole. [*]All proposals must be legally consistent with all other bylaws.[/list] [*]Notifying the Public [list=I][*]The CLO is responsible for telling the public the CLO's decision on the bylaw, the Board's decision on the bylaw, and if the CEO has vetoed a bylaw via RMB. [*]The CLO will send out a mass telegram if a bylaw is passed.[/list] [/list] [url=#top][img]http://i.imgur.com/CrYjuWW.png[/img] Return to top[/url][/box] [anchor=embassypolicy][/anchor][box][center][url=#embassypolicy][size=170][font=palatino][i][color=#C6A500]Embassy Policy[/color][/i][/font][/size][/url][/center][hr] This section contains our official embassy policy, which is currently subject to change at any time. Foreign ambassadors should read carefully before making an in-game embassy request. [list=1] [*] Please telegram a request to the CCO (currently [nation=noflag]Papalania[/nation]). If there is no current CCO then please send the telegram to the COO (currently [nation=noflag]Hansa Federation[/nation]) The request should include at least one good reason why we should accept your request. All regions collecting embassies will be categorically denied. [*] Embassies do not signify alliances, but good inter-regional relations. We are a neutral region, and an embassy with another region should not be taken as a sign of ideological or gameplay alignment with that region. [*] Keep in mind that nations in embassy regions have RMB posting ability in our region. [/list] [url=#top][img]http://i.imgur.com/CrYjuWW.png[/img] Return to top[/url][/box] [i]Do not reproduce, in whole or in part, without explicit permission.[/i] [i]Maintained by [nation=noflag]Deims Kir[/nation].[/i]