
by Western aestorusia. . 155 reads.

The Constitution of the Commonwealth of United Free Nations

§1. The President of the Commonwealth, hereafter referred to as the President shall be the Head of State of the Commonwealth (b) and the Commonwealth's citizens shall be their subjects.

§2. The President is entitled to choose and inaugurate three Peers, (b) all of which will have a position in the line of succession duly appointed. (c) The responsibility of the Peers shall be to fill the President's vacancy, should a vacancy occur. (d) Should a vacancy of the President occur and there shall be no Peers who can fill the vacancy, the legislature shall elect a President.

§3. The President and the Peerage can be recalled by a three-fourth majority of the Legislature (b) and a three-fourth majority of the Commonwealth citizenry.

§4. Upon the ratification of this document, the Commonwealth of Western Aestorusia will become inaugurated as the President.

§1. The Chancellory is elected at the beginning of every new Legislature, alongside other officers of the Legislature.

§2. The Chancellory is the leader of the Cabinet. (b) The Chancellory oversees the operation of the Civil Service (c) and government agencies. (d) The Chancellory can appoint any Commonwealth citizen to fill an office in the Civil Service. (e) The Legislature, alongside the President, reserves the right to impeach any member of any public office.

§3. The Vice Chancellory is to be, alike other officers of the Legislature, appointed by the majority of the Legislature. (b) The Vice Chancellory will be responsible for chairing and presiding over the Legislature and (c) ensure its smooth function.


§1. The Legislature will be held responsible for legislating on behalf of the government. (b) Each Legislator will hold the right to draft, propose, and vote on Acts that will establish legal precedent in the Commonwealth. (c) Such precedents must be passed by the majority of the Legislature and attain Executive Signature from the President.

§2. The Legislature will be elected every three weeks. (b) The number of members elected is depended on the President's decision.

§1. The Judicial power of the Commonwealth will be vested in the Supreme Justicia (b) who shall be elected by two other Justicias (c) who themselves will have been elected by the citizenry every six weeks.

§2. The Judicial power shall extend to all Cases, (b) in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, (c) the Laws of the Commonwealth, (d) and Treaties made, (e) to all Cases of maritime jurisdiction, (f) and to controversies to which the Commonwealth shall be a party to.

§3. The Judicial power shall additionally have the power to debate and decide (b) on whether or not a executive prerogative carried out by the President shall be constitutional.

§1. The Constitution, (b) once ratified, (c) overrides and considers null and void all Laws of the Codex (d) that come into conflict with it.

§2. With three-fourth majority of the Legislature (b) and two-third majority of the citizenry in favor of (c) abolishing, amending, and or ratifying a new Constitution, (d) such shall be done.

Western aestorusia
