
by New aapelistan. . 119 reads.

Aprosia | Aprosian Socialism

Aprosian People's Democratic Union

L I B E R T Y,U N I T Y,S O C I A L I S M!

“For centuries we flourished, for centuries we faltered and now, with an Aprosian rebirth, we shall turn back the pages of history and prosper for untold centuries to come!”

- Dimíras Ketséluv


سان | Politics——|ابروزىنەج ژاشپىزا | Aprosian Socialism|

Míra Dejažév (left) and Dimíras Ketséluv (right)
are considered to be the fathers of Aprosian socialism

Aprosian socialism (زاندىنەتا ابروزىلان, Zándineta Abrózilan) is the national ideology of Aprosia and a leftist nationalist ideology that promotes Aprosian unity through an united Aprosian nation, development of such nation through socialist economic ideals and the creation of an enlightened nation through a long lasting revolution purging foreign influences from the governance and the culture, under the leadership of a Vanguard party. Despite being formed over the decades, most Aprosian socialist movements consider philosopher Míra Dejažév to be the original founder of the ideology.

Aprosian socialism is based on the principles of Aprosian nationalism, political and economic reform, socialism and secularism. Aprosian socialism strives for economic and political modernisation through socialist economics and vanguardist politics. Both are envisioned as temporary for unspecified lengths of time, but are seen as necessary in order to create both political and materialistic elements for the enlightened Aprosian society. Initially, a revolutionary professional nomenklatura would lead the nation forward, but strive for the education of Aprosian socialist ideals to the people to create an ideologically aware population to continue the advancement of the enlightened Aprosian society.

Despite the ideology’s beginning in late 1800s, Aprosia has been the only nation in the world where Aprosian socialism is the official ideology of the ruling party, starting from 1978. Criticism towards the ideology has only intensified with the practical establishment of an Aprosian socialist nation, with many citing the ideology as a justification for the creation of a totalitarian state.


The Reactionary and the Popular Classes

While Aprosian socialism believes nationality to surpass one's social status, Aprosian socialism maintains a belief of two social classes; the reactionary class working against the enlightenment of the Aprosian society and the popular class consisting of the ideologically uneducated sections of the society that require the leadership of the vanguard party to achieve the desired society. Under Western socialist terms, the popular class is often thought to consist of the intellectuals not among the reactionary class and the proleteriat, who exist under the rule of the reactionary class.

The reactionary class is the existing ethnic, religious and national leadership of the Aprosian nation that deprives the Aprosian nation of its full potential through self-serving policies, promoting individual ethnic nationalism that works against pan-Aprosianism, religious extremism that attempts to demean the importance of the belief on pan-Aprosian nationalism and not working towards cleansing the Aprosian culture of the foreign influences. Through these actions and other false pretenses, the reactionary class attempts to control the disunited popular class in order to serve itself instead of working towards an united goal and future.

Through his political pamphlets, Dejažév accuses the reactionary classes for the collapse of the united Kunihár-monarchy, the first pan-Aprosian political entity, and for the loss of the golden age through the monarchy's collapse. Continuing his claims by accusing the self-serving goals of the reactionary classes for the fall of the unified Aprosian people, Dejažév declared the reactionary class as the primary internal enemy of the Aprosian socialist revolution and promoted class warfare by the popular class, under the vanguard party, against the reactionary class to get rid of the class' damaging influence on the nation and on the creation of a pan-Aprosian state.

The Aprosian nation

Aprosian socialism shared the pan-Aprosian ideology of the Aprosianist-movement and worked towards the creation of a pan-Aprosian nation guaranteeing the sovereignity and independence of the Aprosian people. History was used widely as the unifying feature alongside common heritage and cultural similarities.

The united Aprosian nation, created after a popular revolution, was envisioned by the Aprosian socialists to go through a revolutionary period involving the modernization of the economy and the political scene and through a period of cleansing the nation from harmful foreign influences to achieve a new renaissance, often referred to as the enlightenment of the Aprosian society. According to Dejažév, the enlightenment of the Aprosian society could only occur in a pan-Aprosian nation capable of defending the revolution from outside dangers and influences, but only through progressing on economic development through socialism and through a political vanguard party advancing the Aprosian socialist ideals to the popular class and the nation as a whole.


The Aprosian socialist view on economic socialism differs from many international and regional socialist movements by seeing socialism as a way to achieve economic modernization and not as an end goal. For the Aprosian nation, the proleteriat was just a group within the wider popular class and as such, the goals of the nation should not be only the goals of the proleteriat, but of the wider popular class. While under Marxist rhetorics the proleteriat was fighting for their own rights and future, the entire Aprosian nation represented by the popular class was fighting for their political sovereignity, economic and cultural freedom against the Western imperialist powers.

For Aprosian socialists, socialism was an integral part of creating a nation capable of defending the Aprosian sovereignity and socialism was necessary for the modernization of the economy to feed and supply both the people and the defenders of the pan-Aprosian nation. Much like the vanguard party would liberate the popular class from the reactionary class' political rule and the enlightenment of the society would liberate the popular class from the reactionary class' cultural rule, socialism would liberate the popular class from the reactionary class' economic rule by redistributing the lands and economic assets to the popular class, enpowering the popular class and weakening the reactionary class.

The future of the socialist system of economics was a widely asked question in the early Aprosian socialist movement and the later Aprosian People's Front, the Aprosian socialist vanguard party. This question has proved to be the largest dividing factor within the movement alongside the future of the political system established by Aprosian socialism. While Dejažév and Ketséluv shared the belief that eventually the socialist system of economics would no longer be necessary and the vanguard party would eventually liberalize the economy once the pan-Aprosian nation was ready for it, many members of the Aprosian People's Front believed that both the vanguard party and socialism should be continued to ensure continued prosperity, a view shared by the 2nd President of the Union, Ár Héžin, unofficially referred to as the Héžin Thought on Aprosian socialism.


In the place of religion, Aprosian socialism promoted pan-Aprosian nationalism as the ideal leading idea of governance for the Aprosian people, further strengthened by the opposition of religious extremism and theocracy. A secular government was seen as necessary to lead the Aprosian population, sharing two faiths, and to truly gather the Aprosian populace under the pan-Aprosian nation, so that the population would place their loyalty to the nation rather than religion. While a large portion of the religious establishment was placed under the control of the Aprosian People's Front and made the religious establishment responsible to national law following the revolution, religion was tolerated by the early Aprosian socialist movement and by the later Aprosian socialist government.

New aapelistan

