
by The New Imperium of Greater Alpha. . 10 reads.

Alterra Corporation

Alterra Corporation

The Alterra Corporation, often referred simply as Alterra Corp is a multinational conglomerate with subsidiaries active in a variety of industries. Alterra has influence in the production and sale of cosmetics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, industrial machine production, consumer products, health foods, the transportation industry and tourism. Alterra's large array of subsidiaries is typical for large-scale corporations, though it is suspected by other foreign powers built to cover up espionage activities for the Greater Alpha.

Its corporate structure is made up of an elected board of directors that appoints the overall CEO, appoints the CEOs of major subsidiaries, and makes major economic decisions. Alterra is also made up of millions of smaller companies that are partially or fully owned by Alterra. The corporation makes money off these companies and in return provides services such as transportation of materials and products.

The Alterra Security (ALSEC) is the security force under the control of Alterra HQ. The ALSEC is an expansive organisation, with branches specially trained and equipped for different situations, ranging from guarding Alterra facilities to covert operations.
