
by The Star Trek TOS Movie Enjoyer of Eripolis. . 15 reads.

Eripolisian-Dispersi War (RP)

Eripolisian-Dispersi War (RP)

The Eripolisian-Dispersi War is an ongoing war between Eripolis and Territorio di Nessuno.

Dates: June 16, 1985-ongoing

Territorio di Nessuno

3,034,899 troops

Territorio di Nessuno:
2,704,634 troops

(calculated with following formula: Defense Forces rating*NS population in millions)

152,300 killed
340,980 wounded
137 missing in action (MIA)

Territorio di Nessuno:
153,800 killed
315,740 wounded
146 MIA

The war began after Eripolis was condemned by Territorio di Nessuno. After the latter began spreading misinformation about the former, the Eripolisian Senate took a vote and unanimously decided to attack Territorio di Nessuno. The latter retaliated, conducting airstrikes on the capital of New Moskva. Eripolis retaliated, in response, by bombing Ehm, the Dispersi capital. Thousands on both sides died in the initial attacks.

As the war escalated further and further, more and more personnel were killed and more infrastructure was devastated on both sides; New Moskva was covered in debris and rubble, while Ehm was almost completely destroyed.

The war went nuclear when Eripolis began the nuclear bombardment of several Dispersi cities, including Ehm. Territorio di Nessuno did not retaliate in that regard due to it's complete lack of weapons of mass destruction, and its official opposition to their use.

Hatred in both countries towards the other ran high; Dispersi were reported tearing up Eripolisian flags, while Eripolisians tore up Dispersi flags.

The Dispersi president Kaspar Hausen foolishly declared, in the beginning, that the Eripolisians were little more than trolls, and that a Dispersi victory would come quickly. That was rapidly disproven as the Dispersi forces met the more numerous Eripolisian forces.
