
by The Pacific Republic of Talitoa. . 29 reads.

^.^[]^()^++^)^[]^}}^++ (Tri-People), The Religion Of The Native Tribal Civilization.

Tri-People is a religion based on a dichotomous relationship on Good, Bad, and Neutrality. These beings control a different part of these moral concepts and have created a different part of the world.

Native Tribes

^^-^;^ or Baned: A Purple looking average sized man with horns and a white beard shadow. Wears a set of leather armor

Baned can kill people by thinking about them, causing them to explode.

Can think of ways to harm people.

He can turn invisible thanks to his magic ball that turns into a shield that cloaks him.

Invincible with or without his armor that reflects projectiles (More protected by magic with armor)

Hammer made of divine metal that can take down cities with one swing, three times bigger than a sledge hammer.

Has a hex though that only allows him to use his powers for a short time.

His mighty hammer is nothing compared to his 10 foot high ax, which if he gets a hold of, can destroy the world.

Examples of personality/things made: greed, hatred, bias, war hawkish, thinks evil is a good thing for the world.

Jilhay: The god of everything good, in a mutual rivalry with Baned. Jilhay is a tall lady of 7" 2 inches (shiny skin made of bronze) with a white flowing coat and a hourglass complexion.

Can think of good things to make for the world.

Body is impervious to most weapons.

Bronze sword that is sharp enough to cut mountains with one swing.

Had a shield to block the full power of Baned, had a 3 foot sword that could chop the universe in half.

Personality/things made: charity, accepting, food, takes things to far and can not notice details, puppies.

Monmo: The god of neutrality, keeps Jilhay and Baned in balance. A person with no gender, 5" 6 feet tall, wears a black, starred, jumpsuit like padded, cloth suit.

Everything that Jilhay and Baned makes has a bit of neutrality added to help stability and to keep the two from fighting.

Magic powers that can change the universe with a wave of a hand, not only changing and manipulating the locations of the weapons, but also keeping an eye out for items that change the balance.

Simple stick staff that concentrates and aims the magic.

Teleportation and guidance.

Examples of personality/things made: judgement, has empathy

Basic premise:
If one side were to win, they could make the universe turn the universe chaotic. If ether side gets their powerful weapons, the whole universe could be completely destroyed, not able to form again with both sides having their weapons. Monmo needs us to be neutral sometimes to help with power levels. It is good to be good though, but try to keep neutrality when needed or before a judgement.

Praying and worship:
People pray by concentrating and thinking about what they want (so the gods can understand). to Monmo to keep the universe balanced in some way and pray to Jilhay to bring good items. People that wan't evil or bad things to happen often pray to Baned to try and make it happen. Shrines are best placed in places that exemplify an aspect of the three gods (A nice meadow as an example of a Jilhay shrine, volcano as an example for a Monmo shrine, and a old torture chamber as an example for a Baned shrine).

People can choose to become a part of a gods work (called a balenmoitional changer) by doing tasks to help a god succeed. It is seen as a horrible thing to work for Baned or to go to far in working for Jilhay (trying to give Jilhay a boost to defeat Baned). It is best thought to work for Monmo to keep the universe from going haywire and to keep balance.

Tri-People today has barley changed, though Jilhay's side has seen a bit more power, as a new balancing act has been initiated by Monmo. Monmo has been getting more nice as time goes on from the influence of Jilhay, but is helped by worshipers to not take it too far. Baned has seen much less worship, though some people have been going to his side, mostly completely orthodox people to keep the universe balanced. The religion of Tri-People even today will be a source of balance in the native tribal civilizations of Talitoa for years to come, even with the secular influences of Talitoa and the world.

The Pacific Republic of Talitoa

