
by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 155 reads.

Vote Against SC resolution Liberate The Coalition Of Fascist Nations

Security Council Vote Recommendation

Part of the Information for WA Voters program

Resolution at Vote: Liberate The Coalition Of Fascist Nations
Vote Recommendation: Against

Resolution Analysis
This proposal represents the culmination of a series of ideologically driven offensive liberation attempts to an inevitable triviality. Where once liberations of this nature targeted overtly racist regions that celebrated historic atrocities, and had wide support within the Ministry, this proposal relies heavily on hyperbole in an attempt to equate the mundane with the Machiavellian. Coalition of Fascist Nations is an insignificant region, not actively campaigning, hosting roughly 80 nations, and posing no threat to the wider community. Some may find their political position offensive, and those individuals are well within their rights to support liberation. It is the opinion of the Ministry, however, that an indiscriminate use of this important and powerful tool will ultimately render the tool ineffective.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.

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The Regional Nation of The Northern Light

