Before us: destiny, In us: spirit, Behind us: ancestors
Most Advanced Defense Forces: 3,353rdMost Patriotic: 3,390thNudest: 4,793rd
The Imperium of
Psychotic Dictatorship
Constitutional Overseer
Civil Rights
Unheard Of
Political Freedom

Overview Factbook Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards


Population1.979 billion

LeaderNa'atirr Bro'Arrn
FaithCarnal Spiritualism


The Imperium of Tamiara is a massive, environmentally stunning nation, ruled by Na'atirr Bro'Arrn with an iron fist, and renowned for its pith helmet sales, free-roaming dinosaurs, and parental licensing program. The hard-nosed, cynical, humorless, devout population of 1.979 billion Tamiars are ruled without fear or favor by a psychotic dictator, who outlaws just about everything and refers to the populace as "my little playthings."

The large, corrupt, moralistic, socially-minded, well-organized government prioritizes Defense, with Education, Administration, and Law & Order also on the agenda, while International Aid receives no funds. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Saghk'Arrk. The average income tax rate is 92.0%, and even higher for the wealthy.

The frighteningly efficient Tamiar economy, worth 356 trillion Units a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. However, for those in the know, there is a large, well-organized black market in Arms Manufacturing, Information Technology, Book Publishing, and Beef-Based Agriculture. The private sector mostly consists of enterprising ten-year-olds selling lemonade on the sidewalk, but the government is looking at stamping this out. Average income is an impressive 180,015 Units, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

Students consistently complain that the wi-fi ate their homework, government expenses are beyond compare, mining safety laws are often more expensive than what's being mined, and a common response to government PSAs is "well, DUH, obviously". Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Tamiara's national animal is the Snake, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its national religion is Carnal Spiritualism.

Tamiara is ranked 10,305th in the world and 2nd in Akhmatova for Smartest Citizens, with 90.32 quips per hour.

Most Advanced Defense Forces: 3,353rdMost Patriotic: 3,390thTop
Nudest: 4,793rdHealthiest Citizens: 4,871stLongest Average Lifespans: 5,257thLowest Crime Rates: 5,636thHighest Poor Incomes: 5,846thMost Authoritarian: 6,234thMost Developed: 6,826thLargest Information Technology Sector: 7,786thLargest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 7,892ndLargest Governments: 8,567thHighest Average Tax Rates: 8,883rdBest Weather: 9,401stMost Scientifically Advanced: 9,716thMost Popular Tourist Destinations: 10,250thSmartest Citizens: 10,305thMost Corrupt Governments: 11,344thLargest Manufacturing Sector: 11,535thMost Beautiful Environments: 11,571stMost Advanced Public Education: 13,358thMost Eco-Friendly Governments: 13,815thHighest Average Incomes: 15,384thMost Advanced Law Enforcement: 15,790thMost Extensive Public Healthcare: 15,822ndTop
Most Advanced Public Transport: 18,877thMost Valuable International Artwork: 23,055thMost Devout: 24,177thMost Efficient Economies: 24,522ndMost Conservative: 26,197thMost Subsidized Industry: 29,724thLargest Publishing Industry: 30,929thMost Influential: 31,774thMost Extreme: 32,272ndMost Income Equality: 32,398thLargest Agricultural Sector: 34,583rd

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:

  • : Following new legislation in Tamiara, a common response to government PSAs is "well, DUH, obviously".
  • : Following new legislation in Tamiara, mining safety laws are often more expensive than what's being mined.
  • : Following new legislation in Tamiara, government expenses are beyond compare.
  • : Following new legislation in Tamiara, students consistently complain that the wi-fi ate their homework.
  • : Following new legislation in Tamiara, residents of houses built on a foundation of wishful thinking are prone to an odd sinking feeling.
  • : Following new legislation in Tamiara, there is a growing belief that consciousness is a simulated illusion within a computer-generated reality.
  • : Following new legislation in Tamiara, the native owl population is in permanent hibernation.
  • : Following new legislation in Tamiara, people regularly disappear off the streets and all evidence of them is destroyed.
  • : Following new legislation in Tamiara, a large-scale revitalization of the education system is underway.
  • : Following new legislation in Tamiara, Tamiara is suspiciously populated compared to its neighbors.


World Assembly

Endorsements Received: None.
