We come from outer Hell SATAN HERSELF 666
Most Primitive: 115thMost Ignorant Citizens: 179thMost Devout: 241st
Psychotic Dictatorship
Civil Rights
Political Freedom
Unheard Of

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Satan Servants

Population7.873 billion

CapitalSatanic Funeral Pyre


The MOST GLORIOUS REPUBLIC of Satan Servants is a colossal, environmentally stunning nation, ruled by SATAN HERSELF 666 with an iron fist, and remarkable for its zero percent divorce rate, parental licensing program, and hatred of cheese. The hard-nosed, cynical, humorless, devout population of 7.873 billion Corpses are ruled without fear or favor by a psychotic dictator, who outlaws just about everything and refers to the populace as "my little playthings."

The relatively small, corrupt, moralistic, socially-minded, well-organized government is primarily concerned with Defense, with Law & Order and Spirituality also on the agenda, while Healthcare and Education aren't funded at all. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Satanic Funeral Pyre. The average income tax rate is 27.5%, but much higher for the wealthy.

The large but inefficient Dead economy, worth 837 trillion ----s a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. However, for those in the know, there is an enormous, deeply entrenched, highly specialized black market in Arms Manufacturing and Trout Farming. The private sector mostly consists of enterprising ten-year-olds selling lemonade on the sidewalk, but the government is looking at stamping this out. Average income is an impressive 106,375 ----s, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

Nations across the world are quick to praise SATAN HERSELF 666's good looks and intellectual prowess, dog breeding has been banned in accordance with recent animal experimentation laws, aides are afraid to ask if SATAN HERSELF 666 wants a cup of tea or coffee, and weather reports simply advise Corpses to 'look outside'. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force. Satan Servants's national animal is the Cannibal, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its national religion is Sadism.

Satan Servants is ranked 345,653rd in the world and 98th in Psychotic Dictatorships for Smartest Citizens, with 0.19 quips per hour.

Most Primitive: 115thMost Ignorant Citizens: 179thMost Devout: 241stHighest Unexpected Death Rate: 952ndMost Avoided: 1,406thMost Corrupt Governments: 1,433rdMost Politically Apathetic Citizens: 1,847thLargest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 2,012thMost Armed: 2,056thFattest Citizens: 2,414thLargest Manufacturing Sector: 2,937thTop
Most Authoritarian: 3,461stMost Valuable International Artwork: 3,470thMost Conservative: 4,478thMost Patriotic: 5,990thLargest Trout Fishing Sector: 7,576thBest Weather: 8,736thNudest: 9,514thLargest Black Market: 10,071stMost Beautiful Environments: 10,938thHighest Disposable Incomes: 14,291stTop
Most Advanced Defense Forces: 20,736thMost Influential: 25,487thMost Extreme: 25,813thHighest Poor Incomes: 30,739th
Most Valuable International Artwork: 5th in the regionMost Primitive: 5th in the regionTop
Most Ignorant Citizens: 6th in the regionMost Devout: 6th in the regionMost Armed: 7th in the regionHighest Unexpected Death Rate: 8th in the regionLargest Trout Fishing Sector: 9th in the regionHighest Disposable Incomes: 9th in the region

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:

  • : Following new legislation in Satan Servants, weather reports simply advise Corpses to 'look outside'.
  • : Following new legislation in Satan Servants, aides are afraid to ask if SATAN HERSELF 666 wants a cup of tea or coffee.
  • : Following new legislation in Satan Servants, dog breeding has been banned in accordance with recent animal experimentation laws.
  • : Following new legislation in Satan Servants, nations across the world are quick to praise SATAN HERSELF 666's good looks and intellectual prowess.
  • : Following new legislation in Satan Servants, nuclear warheads are frequently launched into space as a warning to invading meteoroids.
  • : Satan Servants was ranked in the Top 1% of the world for Most Valuable International Artwork.
  • : Following new legislation in Satan Servants, insurance companies charge extortionate premiums to cover homes near waterways.
  • : Following new legislation in Satan Servants, citizens living in underground cities have developed a healthy green glow.
  • : Following new legislation in Satan Servants, calling dibs is an unalienable right.
  • : Following new legislation in Satan Servants, anti-environmentalist dissidents must beware of government plants in their midst.

