WA Delegates of The League and Concord

World Assembly Delegates of The League and Concord
Originally founded in 2016, the community of The League and Concord has had 18 World Assembly Delegates. The WA Delegates are responsible for representing our region in the World Assembly to the best of their ability by accumulating the maximum amount of endorsements they can and voting in both chambers according to regions' interests. This dispatch is divided into three eras of the WA Delegacies based on how Delegates were selected. Delegates' tenures are listed by their de facto length, or the periods during which they held the in-game WA Delegacy.
Early in The League's history (at the time, The League of Conservative Nations), the WA Delegate was not an official government position. There was not legal definition of who should hold the role, so it was effectively held by whoever had the most endorsements.
Ellesmera republic (1 May 2016 - 7 May 2016)
- Ellesmera Republic was the region's first WA Delegate, serving for less than one week. They were a member of the region before it was organized in any constitutional form, having joined the game as a friend of Quebecshire.
Adawn (7 May 2016 - 8 May 2016)
- Adawn, co-Founder of the region and its former in-game founder until 2018, was briefly WA Delegate for one day in 2016.
- Pliyv Dra held the WA Delegacy for one update (approx. 12 hours) in 2016. There is minimal recorded information about them, and they were otherwise not a known contributor to the region.
Buwalda (16 May 2016 - 7 June 2016)
- Buwalda was the first nation to hold the WA Delegacy for multiple weeks. They were a member of the region during the formation of its initial legal systems, though went inactive not too long after.
Adawn II (7 May 2016 - 21 May 2016)
- Adawn returned to being WA Delegate for about two weeks after Buwalda.
Icares / Icaris (21 June 2016 - 12 September 2016)
- Icaris was the first individual to hold the WA Delegacy for more than one-month, and they defined the earlier status of the WA Delegate position. Their reign ended with the deletion of their then-Delegate nation, Icares.
Caezar (13 September 2016 - 15 September 2016)
- Caezar held the WA Delegacy for roughly two days after the deletion of the Icares nation.
Icaris II (15 September 2016 - 7 November 2017)
- After returning to the WA Delegacy, Icaris held it for more than a year. Based on gameside records, their WA Delegacy ended with them resigning from the World Assembly on the evening of 7 November 2017, leaving the region without a WA Delegate until the following major update.
Caezar II (8 November 2017 - 12 February 2018)
- After Icaris' resignation, Caezar returned to the WA Delegacy until early 2018.
Icaris III (12 February 2018 - 29 June 2018)
- Icaris reclaimed the WA Delegacy from Caezar after several months of them holding the position. They once again departed office by resigning from the WA, allowing the game to appoint the following WA Delegate the following major update.
Caezar III (30 June 2018 - 12 August 2018)
- Caezar once again became WA Delegate after Icaris' resignation from the WA, serving for just over one month.
Icaris IV (12 August 2018 - 2 June 2019)
- Continuing the trend of Icaris and Caezar trading the WA Delegacy, Icaris returned to the position for another time, this streak being nearly ten months. They resigned from the WA on the evening of 2 June 2019 to allow their successor to become WA Delegate. This was Icaris' final time as WA Delegate. They continue to be a member of the region and presently serve as an officer in the military.
Caezar IV (3 June 2019 - 6 April 2020)
- After Icaris' third resignation from the WA while Delegate, Caezar retook the position once again and held it for barely over ten months.
Greater sacramento I-II & Caezar V-VI (6 April 2020 - 12 April 2020)
- Within the span of less than one week, Greater Sacramento and Caezar traded the WA Delegacy four times. This was the only time Greater Sacramento was WA Delegate. They are not a member of the region today, having been banned for administrative reasons.
In 2020, it was decided by the Council of the Republic that the WA Delegate position would be occupied by the Director of Foreign Affairs as an ex officio position. For the duration of this era, the WA Delegate was the additional role of the Director of Foreign Affairs.
New gandor (12 April 2020 - 30 June 2020)
- New Gandor was Director of Foreign Affairs at the time of WA Delegacy reform, and became ex officio WA Delegate as a result of their Director role. They served in the WA Delegacy for just over two months. Their tenure ended when they resigned from the WA to allow their successor to rapidly transition into the WA Delegacy.
Caezar VII (30 June 2020 - 1 July 2020)
- Caezar briefly held the in-game WA Delegacy for one day during the transition from New Gandor to his successor. This was their final time in the WA Delegacy. They are not a member of the region today, and were banned for administrative reasons.
San carlos islands (1 July 2020 - 9 November 2020)
- San Carlos Islands was New Gandor's successor as Director of Foreign Affairs, and therefore also as World Assembly Delegate. They served for over four months and left the WA Delegacy by resigning from the WA to allow their successor to claim the position. They are no longer a member of the region and were banned for administrative reasons.
Paleocacher (10 November 2020 - 21 March 2021)
- As San Carlos Islands' successor as Director of Foreign Affairs, Paleocacher became the WA Delegate in 2020. They initially served as WA Delegate until the beginning of the regional relocation process in 2021.
Kanjuura, Zjaum,
Menominee, &
Lossaknach (21 March 2021 - 5 April 2021)
- After the regional relocation program began, several individuals briefly had the in-game WA Delegacy over a period of several days, as other residents relocated from The League of Conservative Nations to The League. These WA Delegacies ended as the position-holders moved to the new region.
In May 2021, the WA Delegacy was once again reformed. Due to a necessary reshuffling of government roles and a desire to avoid a WA Delegacy transition at the time, it was detached from the position of Director of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the Consulate became empowered to appoint individuals to the post.
Paleocacher II (21 March 2021 - 30 October 2021)
- Paleocacher's second WA Delegacy began under the Hybrid Era, though the position was reformed during this streak and he remained WA Delegate despite becoming a Consul of the Republic. This was their final time in the WA Delegacy, and upon their successor acquiring the seat they enlisted in the regional military. They continue to be a Consul and an enlisted member of the military.
Creeperopolis (30 October 2021 - 17 August 2024)
- Creeperopolis was selected as WA Delegate while Chief Consul of the Republic in late 2021. He served until August 2024, after his tenure on the Consulate concluded months earlier, and retired having set both the longevity (consecutive and cumilative) and endorsement (over 300) records for a WA Delegate of either region.
Rhaza /
Quebecshire (16 May 2022 - 18 May 2022)
- During the 2022 invasion of Concord by The League's military, Quebecshire (now also known as

Mechanocracy /
Spode Humbled Minions (14 June 2022 - 24 March 2024)
- Upon the re-establishment of Concord under the Republic, Spode Humbled Minions was appointed its first WA Delegate via the nation Mechanocracy. Despite being the first WA Delegate of Concord, a newly refounded region at the time, they hold the second highest endorsement count of any WA Delegate in either region's history with over 150 endorsements.
Council of Feathers (24 March 2024)
- Since the inception of the Domestic Security Bureau, Council of Feathers has served faithfully as a Vice-Delegate in Concord. A Consul Emeritus in the modern era and former President, they were a natural choice. In March 2024, invaders pushed them into Concord's WA Delegate seat to disrupt Mechanocracy's tenure temporarily in lieu of an actual invasion attempt of Concord or elsewhere, earning them a place as a WA Delegate of Concord, even if brief.
Mechanocracy II (24 March 2024 - Present)
- One WA update cycle (approx. 12 hours) after Council of Feathers was thrust into the WA Delegate position by outsiders, Mechanocracy regained the role, continuing their Consulate-appointed service.
Gagium II (17 August 2024 - 22 August 2024)
- Since returning to the region in January 2023, Gagium had re-established himself as an active member of the community, primarily in roleplay and cultural endeavors. While Director of Culture he was appointed to serve as the WA Delegate of The League, the primary driver of his appointment being his strong gameside presence in the regions.
Creeperopolis II (22 August 2024 - 23 August 2024)
- For one day shortly into Gagium's appointment as Delegate, Creeperopolis was accidentally restored to the WA Delegacy for one WA update cycle.
Gagium III (23 August 2024 - Present)
- Gagium has continued his appointed term following the one WA update where Creeperopolis resumed the WA Delegacy.