Faction: Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Pupederistan Economic Specialist
- 100 StrikesonHonor for all 34 Anime Nations Against Liberals0 StrikesonHonor for all 33 Anime Nations Against Liberals100 StrikesonHonor for all 35 Anime Nations Against Liberals101 LaunchesatHonor for all 33 Anime Nations Against Liberals416 LaunchesatHonor for all 34 Anime Nations Against Liberals433 LaunchesatHonor for all 35 Anime Nations Against Liberals101 TargetsonHonor for all 33 Anime Nations Against Liberals416 TargetsonHonor for all 34 Anime Nations Against Liberals433 TargetsonHonor for all 35 Anime Nations Against Liberals80 Shielddefending6 Shielddefending0 Strikeson63 Strikeson344 Launchesat416 Launchesat344 Targetson416 Targetson3 Strikeson135 Launchesat135 Targetson20 Strikeson20 Shielddefending30 Strikeson9 Strikeson363 Launchesat121 Launchesat161 Launchesat363 Targetson121 Targetson161 Targetson105 ShieldSHIELDBANKdefending
Chimoreian Imperial Legion Anime Nations Against Liberals from
Pupederistan Horsemen of the Apocalypse
25 ShielddefendingChimoreian Imperial Legion Anime Nations Against Liberals from
Pupederistan Horsemen of the Apocalypse
30 ShielddefendingChimoreian Imperial Legion Anime Nations Against Liberals from
Pupederistan Horsemen of the Apocalypse
33 ShielddefendingChimoreian Imperial Legion Anime Nations Against Liberals from
Pupederistan Horsemen of the Apocalypse
12 ShielddefendingChimoreian Imperial Legion Anime Nations Against Liberals from
Pupederistan Horsemen of the Apocalypse
14 ShielddefendingChimoreian Imperial Legion Anime Nations Against Liberals from
Pupederistan Horsemen of the Apocalypse
16 ShieldAroundia Anime Nations Against LiberalsdefendingChimoreian Imperial Legion Anime Nations Against Liberals from
Pupederistan Horsemen of the Apocalypse
235 Launchesat235 Targetson90 ShieldSHIELDBANKdefending112 Shielddefending62 ShieldAtg 016 Jellyfish Elite Fighting Forcedefending66 Shielddefending108 Shielddefending11 Shielddefending64 Shielddefending75 Launchesat438 Launchesat75 Targetson438 TargetsAdvertisement
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NationStates by Max Barry