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A short history of Picairn's suffrage

Who currently has the right to vote in your nation? Every citizen from 18 years old and above.

Who does not have the right to vote in your nation? Anyone below 18 and non-citizens.

What is the timeline of suffrage in your nation?

  • 1780 - 1792: No one was allowed to vote, Picairn was under an absolute monarchy.

  • 1792: Creation of the first Constitution, granting the right to vote to all free men (mostly white) aged 25+ who owned property and paid taxes.

  • 1825: Property-owning and tax-paying qualifications abolished.

  • 1853: Second Constitution ratified following a bloody 3-year civil war (1848-1851), slavery was abolished. Voting rights expanded to slaves 2 years later (1855).

  • 1902: All women aged 25+ can vote in all elections.

  • 1916: Soldiers fighting overseas can vote by mail.

  • 1920: Women can run for Parliament. In the same year, Representative Mary Nichols won a seat in the House of Representatives, becoming the first woman in Parliament.

  • 1925: Female representation allowed in the House of Lords.

  • 1946: Third Constitution adopted, Article 9 expanded voting rights to all citizens aged 18+ regardless of any criterias.

  • 1965: The landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965 passed, banning gerrymandering and guaranteeing access to ballots for all citizens.

  • 1973: The Supreme Court ruled restriction of voting rights to incarcerated inmates and mentally-ill patients unconstitutional, violating Article 9.

  • 1984: Poll taxes in provincial elections declared unconstitutional under Article 9.

  • 1990: All requirements to vote declared unconstitutional in Beckinridge v. Stormridge Board of Elections.

  • 1992-2002: Voting by mail began to be expanded across provinces and allowed in national elections in 2000. Turnout started to increase dramatically.

The Sunset City of Picairn
