AI Personhood Act of 2020

To grant legal personhood and citizenship to Artificial Intelligence (AI) beings.
To grant legal personhood and citizenship to Artificial Intelligence (AI) beings.
- Be it enacted by the House of Lords and House of Representatives of the Empire of Picairn in Parliament assembled,
- (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as the "AI Personhood Act of 2020".
(b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of contents for this Act is as follows:
Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Preamble.
Sec. 101. Artificial Intelligence Bill of Rights.
Sec. 102. Non-descrimination in government buildings and public places.
Sec. 103. Voting rights.
Sec. 104. Equality under the law.
Sec. 105. Ban on robotic slavery and compensation for work.
Sec. 106. Universal entitlement to public education, healthcare, welfare and other government assistance programs.
Sec. 107. Freedom of movement.
Sec. 108. Enumerated Rights.
Sec. 201. Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics.
Sec. 202. The Empowerment concept.
Sec. 203. Adherence to national and regional laws.
Sec. 204. Paying taxes, dues, and fees imposed by Parliament and other recognized government bodies of Picairn.
Sec. 205. Legal liability in criminal and civil cases.
Sec. 206. Military conscription.
Sec. 207. Integration into Picairn's society; equal respect to other members of the society.
Sec. 301. Establishment of the Robotics Citizenship Registration Agency (RCRA).
Sec. 302. Citizenship application form for robots and AI beings.
Sec. 401. Definitions.
Sec. 402. Effective date.