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The Universal Healthcare Act of 1994

HL. 146

To establish a national health service (NHS) program.

JUNE 28TH, 1994
Lord FLETCHER (for himself, Lord RODRIGUEZ, Lord SMITH, Lady CHANDLER, Lady GARCIA, Lord LOPEZ) introduced the following bill;
which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.


To establish a national health service (NHS) program.
    Be it enacted by the House of Lords and House of Representatives of the Empire of Picairn in Parliament assembled,


    (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as the "Universal Healthcare Act of 1994".
    (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.

Sec. 101. Establishment of the National Health Service (NHS).
Sec. 102. Universal Entitlement.
Sec. 103. Freedom of choice.
Sec. 104. Non-discrimination.
Sec. 105. Enrollment.
Sec. 106. Effective dates of benefits.
Sec. 107. Prohibition against duplicating coverage.

Sec. 201. Comprehensive benefits.
Sec. 202. No cost sharing.
Sec. 203. Exclusions and limitations.
Sec. 204. Coverage of institutional long-term care services under Medicaid.
Sec. 205. Prohibition recovery of correctly paid Medicaid benefits.
Sec. 206. Provincial standards.

Sec. 301. Provider participation and standards.
Sec. 302. Qualifications for providers.
Sec. 303. Use of private contracts.

Sec. 401. Administration.
Sec. 402. Consultation.
Sec. 403. Regional administration.
Sec. 404. Beneficiary ombudsman.
Sec. 405. Complementary conduct of related health programs.

Sec. 411. Application of national sanctions to all fraud and abuse under National Health Service Program.

Sec. 501. Quality standards.
Sec. 502. Assessing health care disparities.

Sec. 601. National health budget.

Sec. 611. Payments to institutional and individual providers.
Sec. 612. Ensuring accurate valuations of services under the Medicare physician fee schedule.
Sec. 613. Office of primary health care.
Sec. 614. Payments for prescription drugs and approved devices and equipment.

Sec. 701. National Health Service Trust Fund.

Sec. 801. Prohibition of employee benefits duplicative of benefits under the National Health Service program; coordination in case of workers' compensation.
Sec. 802. Relationship to existing national health programs.
Sec. 803. Effective date of title.

Sec. 901. Lowering the Medicare age.
Sec. 902. Establishment of the Medicare transition plan.

Sec. 911. Medicare protection against high out-of-pocket expenditures for fee-for-service benefits and elimination of parts A and B de­duct­ibles.
Sec. 912. Reduction in Medicare part D annual out-of-pocket threshold and elimination of cost-sharing above that threshold.
Sec. 913. Coverage of dental and vision services and hearing aids and examinations under Medicare part B.
Sec. 914. Eliminating the 24-month waiting period for Medicare coverage for individuals with disabilities.
Sec. 915. Guaranteed issue of Medigap policies.

Sec. 911. Continuity of care.

Sec. 1001. Definitions.

The Sunset City of Picairn
