Phyroecia (Unfinished)
This site might has several graphical issues while on mobile mode. Please use desktop mode.Phyroecia (/fi.ro:.si.a/ ⓘfee.rho.SEE.a), officialy known as the Confederation of Phyroecia, also known by its endonym as Qavesqalap[b.], is a country. Phyroecia has an estimated population of 81.01 million people, per 2024 census. Runginhef is the current capital and the largest city of the country.
Table of Contents
1. Introductory
2. Etymology
3. History
4. Demographic
- Population
- Religion
5. Government
- Foreign Relations
6. Economy
7. Notes
8. References
Main article: Etymology of Phyroecia
Population - -
Religion - -
- a. ^ In 1889, at the time of Dutch colonization in Indonesia, some Javanese migrated from their homelands to seek a better place for living. Around 150 people arrived at the eastern coast of Phyroecia at the time.
b. ^ Phyroecian:

- 1. "Constitutio Diofato Theocratioregnum Phyroeciae". Parliament of Phyroecia; excluding Latin
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