The word Parouty comes from the ancient Viet word "Pahrôt", meaning 'People' and "Oūtrý", meaning 'Land'. Originally, the nation was named 'Pahrôūtrý', however the language slowly evolved to simplify. from 1936-1949, Pahrôūtrý was simplified to Parôutý, and soon after became Parouty in 1957. The proper way to refer to a person from Parouty is Parout. (ex. ''No, I'm Parout.'')
Parouty has had a very rough history, from the Bạo loạn giành độc lập to the Japanese occupation from 1940-1945. In December of 1935, riots along the southern coast of French Indochina started to rise up. When March of 1396 came, the riots were all throughout Indochina, even spreading to Hainan and the city of Zhanjiang.
On September 4, 1936, The Treaty of Manilla was signed, and the Republic of Parouty was created. Then, in 1940, the Empire of Japan and the Kingdom of Siam invaded. This is when the Bạo loạn giành độc lập occurred, taking the lives of many Japanese soldiers, due to their genocidal occupation.
After the Allies liberated Parouty, a period of silence started. From 1945 to 1967, Parouty was isolationist due to internal issues. In 1967, the First Parout Civil War started, with the main sides being the Monarchists, Republicans, and Communists. After the 7-month-long Battle of Hanoi, the Monarchists surrendered to the Communists, which were backed by the USSR.
With the Communists owning more than 67% of the nation, the Republicans would surrender. On the 15th of March, 1969, the Treaty of Dublin was signed, creating the Parout Socialist Republic, however it was plagued with civil unrest. In 1991, the Second Parout Civil War began, pitting the Republicans and Communists against the Monarchists (An election was to be held after the civil war, allowing the Republicans and Communists to work together.). After 7 years of fighting, the Monarchists formally signed a ceasefire, and the Second Republic of Parouty was formed in 1998.
From then on, Parouty has began to pick itself up, and is slowly becoming a lighthouse of hope for those around the world, mixing the many cultures introduced each year, and is expected to be the most diverse nation in the world by 2037. Parouty's two civil wars and Japanese occupation have battle-hardened the nation. As the tale of the nation continues, who knows what will happen next?
The government of Parouty uses a tri-level Parliament, with the Lower House being voted on by the citizens, the Middle House being voted on by the Lower House, and the Upper House being Appointed by the President.
Lower House
The Lower House consists of 1000 Representatives. Each one is voted upon directly by the people, and serve 5-year terms. In order for a bill to pass to the Middle House, it must receive at least 501 votes. At the end of their terms, the Lower House votes among themselves for the Middle House Representatives. The Lower House itself is tasked with sparking bills and expressing the populace.
Middle House
The Middle House is made up of 100 Representatives. Each one was voted from the Lower House, and serves a term of 5 years.