Valsora - Order of St Dumas W.I.P (Outdated/voided)
Coat of arms

Eendracht en de heilige wet overwinnen alles
(Unity and the holy law overcome everything)
National Anthem: Onze gelofte aan de engelen
(Our vow to the angels)
Valsora - Araseos - Harg

Provincial Flag
Provincial owner : noble family
Capital City : St.Cloud
Governor : Alexander-Christophe Van Godtsenhoven III

Provincial Flag
Provincial owner : noble family
Capital City : Kruiswerpen
Governor : Louise Hemelryck

Provincial Flag
Provincial owner : noble family
Capital City : Kasteelburg
Governor : Bjorn Van Wolvertem

Provincial Flag
Provincial owner : noble family
Capital City : Nachtegael
Governor : Lodewijk De Coninck

Provincial Flag
Provincial owner : noble family
Capital City : Conincken
Governor : Elise Van Keijzerswaard

Provincial Flag
Provincial owner : noble family
Capital City : Ravengem
Governor : Lodewijk Van Herkenrath

[spoiler=History : formation of the knights of Dumas]
14th century
At the time the Cardonian kingdom and it's internal knights holy order were busy defending christianity within it's borders . A splinter group of radicalized Knights broke away afther being Discontent with the kingdom's Defensive policies. The radicalized knights set out to spread christianity and traveled to the continent of araseos. For their treason they were branded Outcasts and traitors , they were never to return to their kingdom.
The break away faction renamed themself to the knights of Harg afther reaching said region. They began waring with the neighboring tribal kingdoms, they had some success and Conquered lands close to the sea.
1310 - The formation of the Crusader state
The knights of harg started their 6th Holy war against the Vlaendrian tribal kingdom, they had failed to defeat the Kingdom in every battle, the kingdom of Vlaendria allied itself with the other Neighboring tribes and it's army vastly outsized the outcasts. The beginning of the 6th holy war was Marked the death of their head Commander Richard Dumas, in the first battle of Aentergher the knights of harg were valiantly defeated. The son of the head commander took controle of the eastern army.
Adam Dumas afther being second in command of his father's eastern army he had learned tactics under him and already held the rank of 1st knight at the age of 20. He was a natural born leader and head strong commander. His first notable achievement was noticed afther defeating the small southern Vlaendrian army in modernday Kruiswerpen. Soon he would defeat the western army aswell and marched his Army towards Aentergher where his father died. Dumas wrote "my blood was spilled on this land my father had died, but my lord, father gave me his divine will to beat these infidels" Adam Dumas defeated the Vlaendrian army Valiantly with only a 100 casualties. Soon the Kingdom of Vlaendria was conquered and the crusader state was formed.
The Dumas [1310-1375]
Afther the Knights of Harg won the 6th holy war and the crusader state was formed, knights began writing about Adam Dumas, the war he fought in and his interpretations of the bible, his legend.
Adam Dumas would spend his late 20's fighting rebel tribes, converting them. He married a converted tribal healer, and studied under her. In his 30's he would travel to camps healing wounded knights afther their battles. It is said he could heal he worst wounds of any knight no matter how severe. Soon afther his travels he would be named grandmaster, afther becoming the grandmaster he passed alot of reforms Which included learning the native language, military reforms and structural reforms. He Proposed clans owning provinces, governing them, isolationism and self sufficiency . In his 40's he was branded saint by the newly established order of the high confessors afther allegedly performing miracles , and for his past actions, the knights would gradualy shift their believes in favor of idolising and worshipping St Dumas . Adam Dumas would lead the order until his death.
Afther the death of St Dumas, a succession crisis would accure. Infighting began and a civil war would take place afther 15 long bloody years. Brother geoffry Rolo would take the position of grandmaster. Rolo who in his life had never fought in war would Valiantly and miraculously defeat the other parties in a defining battle where his army was outmanned 10 to 30, he had a vision on his way to the battlefield of the deceased St Dumas calling him the only worthy man to succeed the son of god, and if he were to shout his name during battle he would win.
Grandmaster rolo would culturally change the crusader states into the Order of St Dumas, changing its beliefs even further. He would pass reforms such as the united christian act (the act that would allow any and all forms of christianity to co-exist).
modern day
Afther many years of isolationism the order awoke from it's slumber, many years of teaching the native language and taking over the traditions resulted in the loss of cardonian culture, replaced with the crusadoflemish culture it is almost completely unrecognizable from cardonian culture, It's brand of christianity much the same.
Population: 25.000.000
Capital: St. Cloud
largest city: Kruiswerp
Official Language: Flemish, Natin
National Language: Flemish
Demonym: Dumasian
Ruling party:
CD&C - Conservative democrats & Crusader party
- Grandmaster: Lothar Storm
- Vice Grandmaster: Remco De Wolf
- Speaker of the Knight's circle: Lodewijk van Bos
- Chief of Divine Law: Bjorn de Ceuninck
- Minister of foreign affairs: Max Waterland
- Minister of Defence: F.J.A Van Der Dood
- Upper House: Knight's circle (Federal council)
- Lower House: House of Representatives
Economic and social view:
- Economic: Central-Right
- Social: Authoritarian-Central
- Elite: feudal clan
- Common: common clan
National Religion :
Crucifistian Church
Founding : 1401
Crucifistians believe the following things : There is only one god and his angelic subjects who guide mankind to his Destiny, Every Angel guides a Specific church. It is believed that every church has it's own purpose and it's own destiny. Chrucifistians believe that Mankind was created by god to be the guardians of Eden and afther the corruption of man to be the guardians of Valsora and to cleanse themselves of sin. Crucifistians believe that lord Eripir Christus came to Valsora as the son of god to show mankind the ways of Virtue and died for the sins of mankind. Believing mankind not to have learned from the death of his son. He send his second son Lord Adam Dumas to be the wrath of god and inspire mankind to fight sin and the infidels who denied to learn from their mistakes. It is Believed that the angel of death is the guiding Angel of the Crucifistian church due to the Violent teachings of Saint Dumas. The Crucifistian bible has two old Testaments and one new Testaments that follows the life of Lord Adam dumas and his Successors.
Important beings :
God, The Holy Ghost, Archangel of Death Azraël, Lord Adam Dumas, Archangel Michael, Archangel Ludociël, Archangel Samaël, Saint Ludovicus, Eripir Christus, The Grand Confessor.
Holy site : St. Ludovics cathedral, tomb of the Modern day Saints, St.Vincentius bedevaartplaats.
Head of religion:
Grand confessor: Minerva Van Godtsenhoven
Head advisor: Jana Van Godtsenhoven
GDP (nominal):
GDP (nominal) per capita:
Main industrie: fishing, Metal mining, manufacturing
lesser industrie: Farming, Retail, farmacy
Currency: St.Dumas Frank
National animal: Dumasian Church owl
Drives on the: Right side