The Unitary Crusader State of
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

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What makes you an infidel?! (Jokes)

I see you wanna know (how i got these scars)how you could be an infidel in the order's eyes?

What makes you an infidel:

If you are not a catholic or Christian

If you are a Furry

If you are socialist , communist.

If you argue with divine Justice.

If you are a Serkin

If you dont like CORN.

if you like the Color Purple.

If you like mathematics.

If you are a weeb

If you dont like the color red

If you are a follower of the church of Saint Cinder

If you are a beerschot fan (i will hate u)

If you practice conjointism

If you say the cursed words : u-w-u

If you are non-human or sub-human

If you are from Unojo or New unojo.

If you claim to be a Holy person

If you don't like Fallout NV

If you are part of Serkin's church of Lucifer's hand

If you like the Skyrim Faction Stormcloaks (long live the Empire)

then you are an infidel!

Work in progress.....
