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Avalonian History (Valsora)

This Might Be Poorly Wirtten/be messy but i finished completeing avalons history at like midnight here and i am tired. anyways Gaze apon the Lore

Pre Imperi Avalona
It is Belived That the Avalonian People Settled In the Region in the Late fifth Century BCE. These Avalonian Tribes would Grow into Cites and Later City states. These City States would Often War and Conduct Trade and Diplomancy With Each other. This so Called City State Era would Last form the 5th Century to about the 3rd Century BCE. This Wound End with the Unifaction of Avalon under Emperor Protesilaus the Great
Imperi Avalona
Form the 3rd Century BCE to 3rd Century Ad would Exist the Avalonian Empire. under Emperor Protesilaus the Great and his successors the Avalonian Nation would Experince a Golden of Art and Culture. This Era would Mark the founding of the idea of a united Avalonian Nation and People. Through wars of Conquest Against Neighboring Tribes and states the Borders of the Avalonian Empire would Mirror Avalons Current borders. This Gilded Era would Finally End in the 3rd Century with the death of Emperor Anika Who died without a sucessor
Pre Imperial Unifaction
Form the Late 3rd cenutry Up Until the 1800s Avalon would Enter a period Simlar to the Pre Imperi Avalona. The Sablity and Unity of the Avalonian Empire was Replaced with war and Bloodshed of Competting Nationstates. With Repeating Raids over the Border By their Neighbors and Simlar Raids being conducted By Avalonian States. it is during this era that the Church of Avalon is Belived to have become widespread. This Waring Era would End In the late 1800s When invaders form the Lands of Modern Day Aversaria would Invade Promenting The Largest of the Avalonian States, The Duchy of Avalona, under Then Duke Alejandro Antoniou to unite the Avalonian States to fight off the Invaderv. With the sucessful Beating back of the Invader Alejandro would be Crowned King of Avalon at the Saint Avalonic Church in 1823 leading to the creation of the Kingdom of Avalon and Begining the Imperial
Imperial Era
The So Called Imperial Era (or more Recently the Old Kingdom Era) Which Began in 1823 and would last untill the Revolution of 1978. During the 135 years the "Old Kingdom" Would last would see Avalons Enterance to the Modern era of history and the Industrial age. during this period Avalon would Slowy become a Semi Democratic nation untill the late 40s with fears of a communist takeover a military Junta Would Remove the Democratic Elements of the Nation and more of less establish a dictatorship that would be incharged untill it was overthrown by commuinst rebels in 1958
Commuinst Era
Form 1958 to 1990 the Commuinst Vanguard Party of Avalon Would Regin over the New Peoples Republic Of Avalon. This Era is Seen With Mixed Results in Avalon. On One End With the Ousting of the Junta, Removal of Noble Expectionism and the Victory in the So Called "Great Patriotic War" Over the Sjalvolki Empire In 1962, is seen Foundly by Many In Avalon. However On the Other Many Will Lable This Period as A so called Second Dark Age due to Action's like the "AntiReaction Purges ,"Crimson Terror", "The Great Avalonian Culture Revolution" And OverAll Mismangement In Econmic Polices. The Avalonian Peoples Republic Would End in 1990 when Rebellion Would spread across the nation. This would Begin the avalonian Civil war which would last form 1990 to 1995 and would see burtal fighting throughout Avalon.
Republican Era
With the End of the Civil War in 1995 the Avalonian Republic Would Be Created. the Republican Era would be Divded into Three Periods, The Early Republican Era, The Late Republican Era, The Moore Era. The Early Republican Era was marked by incompetence, weakness and an attempt to rebuild the nation, This would last untill 2005 when the the July Constitution was adopted and the Nation would see a Overall Revial. The Late Republican Era was Marked by overall stabilty, reform and progress. this would last untill the Constitutionial Crisis of 2015 and Military Takeover By Military General Alexo Moore in 2016. With His Takeover over Avalon "President" Moore Would End the Republican Era and Begin the Deathrows of the Avalonian Republic. Moore Would Begin to Finish Rebuilding the Nation and Restoring Sablity while going about his so called "National Reform Plan". Moore would rule for 17 years. The Republican Era would end On The 12th of March 2033, Lord Protector Moore would Formally abolish the Republic of Avalon and Restablish the Kingdom.
Modern Avalona
While Avalon and Her people Have Faced Many Trials over the Last 40 years or so of Her History, Avalon proudly Marches into the Modern Age as a Liberalising And prospering Nation. Many Across the Nation Belive the Worst Has Passed them and future for them and Their Nation is Bright.
