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All You Need to Know: Warzone Sandbox (New Halo)

Warzone Sandbox

We're safe, maybe...

Hello, passersbys and the intrigued! Welcome to Warzone Sandbox (WZSB), under the current New Halo administration!

As a Warzone, our region is at serious risk regardless of circumstance. You are to immediately join the World Assembly and endorse the delegate. If you don't, you will be ejected within the following day.
Do this:
  1. Apply to Join the World Assembly

  2. Check your e-mail, and admit to the WA

  3. Endorse New Halo

Confused? Telegram the above nation.
Do not endorse any other nation. If you do so, this will be viewed as hostile and you will be removed.

A Warzone is a type of region without a Governor and with minimal importance of influence. This means the WA Delegate–the nation with the most amount of endorsements–is the head of the region. The Delegate can ban whoever they please, but every night, these bans will be cleared. The region also cannot be passcoded. This makes Warzone regions NationStates' equivalent of playgrounds. People fascinated by and actively take place in Warzones are called Warzoners.

Region-building a Warzone is difficult, due to the consistent danger present making it so anything you do can be wiped out on the spot.
