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The World Factbook: The Misunderstood Fortifications of Liberal Robenia


The Misunderstood Fortifications of Liberal Robenia (Liberal Robenia) is a sprawling nation dominated by corporate hegemony and shaped by extreme socio-economic inequality. Once a liberal democracy, it has spent the last 50 years under the control of the Robenian Capitalizt Party (RCP), transforming into a hyper-capitalized society where nearly all aspects of life are governed by the free market. Corporate interests dictate national policy, and the government serves as a facilitator for business growth rather than a protector of its citizens' welfare. The nation’s gargantuan megacities, teeming with life, are monuments to industry, wealth, and power. However, beyond the glittering facades of wealth, vast segments of the population live in abject poverty, and crime is a daily reality for those who cannot afford protection.


• Location: Situated on the southwestern corner on the continent of Drao, Liberal Robenia is home to some of the world's largest urban conglomerations.

• Area: 3.8 million square kilometers of hyper-industrialized and urbanized territory.

• Climate: While originally temperate, decades of environmental exploitation and unchecked industrial growth have led to severe climate degradation. Smog-filled air is the norm in major cities, while toxic runoff pollutes rivers and groundwater, particularly in poorer inland areas.

• Urbanization: Over 95% of the population resides in massive, highly stratified cities, where wealth and power are concentrated at the top of towering skyscrapers, while the majority live in decaying lower levels or slum zones.

o Capital City: Wieato—the beating heart of the nation’s corporate-political machine, known for its intense opioid crisis.

o Major Coastal Cities: Lizdy, Digm, Crimh, and Robertown are hubs for international trade and corporate headquarters, with sprawling ports and neon-lit corporate towers.

o Major Inland Cities: Migtse, Maciville, Eitha, Tiag, and Alexopia—massive, chaotic cities where industrial pollution is rampant, and corporate security forces maintain strict control over the urban sprawl.

• Natural Resources: Liberal Robenia is rich in uranium, which powers much of its energy industry, along with vast aquifers now depleted by corporate agriculture. Natural beauty has long been sacrificed for industrial expansion.

People and Society

• Population: 19.939 billion. Liberal Robenia’s hyper-urbanization has led to overcrowded cities, with towering residential complexes that stretch miles into the sky. The majority of citizens live in cramped, poorly maintained apartments, while the elite enjoy luxurious penthouses and sprawling estates in private zones.

• Ethnic Groups: 85% Robenian, 7% Tazanian, 8% other ethnic groups, with ethnic and racial tension fueled by economic inequality.

• Languages: Robenian English, with Mandarin used extensively in elite business circles.

• Social Stratification: Society is starkly divided between the ultra-wealthy and the impoverished masses. The top 1% live lives of opulence and extravagance, while the working class and unemployed struggle to survive, with many facing malnutrition and preventable diseases.

• Healthcare: Healthcare is entirely privatized and inaccessible to most. The wealthy have access to the latest medical technologies, while the poor are left to die from easily treatable conditions. The average life expectancy is 90 years for the elite, while for the poor it can be as low as 35 years in the worst districts.

• Religion: Spiritual practices are largely ignored by the government, which is more concerned with maintaining corporate power. A widespread cultural phenomenon is daily marijuana consumption, which is openly embraced by many segments of society, particularly in impoverished areas.


• Government Type: De facto corporate technocracy, where the state is minimal, and policy decisions are controlled by a network of corporate titans and private interests. The government, such as it is, functions primarily as a mediator between rival corporate factions, ensuring that business operations remain smooth and that economic growth continues unchecked.

• Executive Branch: Able Foot, the enigmatic head of state, rules with little opposition. His administration is composed of corporate executives and business moguls who exert overwhelming control over national decisions. Any semblance of democratic governance has long since eroded, though elections are still held as a formality. Recently, the government manipulated election results to secure Foot’s continued control.

• Capital: Wieato is a city of extremes, where corporate skyscrapers rise above decaying streets filled with opioid addicts. Corporate wealth dominates all aspects of life in the capital.

• Legislative Branch: The Corporate Directorate, composed of the heads of the largest and most influential corporations, meets in secret to dictate national policy. The legislative process is little more than a formality, as the Directorate ensures that laws favor business interests.

• Judicial Branch: Privatized courts offer justice only to those who can afford it. Private arbitration firms have replaced traditional courts, and legal outcomes are determined by who can pay more. For the poor, there is no true recourse to justice.

• Civil Rights: Civil and political rights are nominally guaranteed by the constitution, but in practice, they are almost entirely eroded by corporate interests. Free speech, press, and assembly are restricted in areas controlled by private security forces, and dissent is often met with brutal suppression. The poor have no real political voice, and any attempt to organize resistance is quickly quashed.

• Elections: Though elections are still held, they are largely a spectacle. Recently, election results were heavily manipulated to ensure the continued dominance of Able Foot and his corporate backers. Voter turnout is low, as most citizens believe their vote has no real impact.


• Overview: Liberal Robenia's economy is an unrivaled behemoth, driven entirely by private enterprise. With the government acting only to facilitate corporate interests, there are no regulations, taxes, or welfare programs. This has led to astronomical wealth for the top 1%, while the rest of the population toils in poverty.

• Currency: The Spanking.

• GDP: 5,741 trillion Spankings, with the wealthiest 10% controlling 90% of the nation’s wealth. The richest earn 2,675,027 Spankings annually, while the poor scrape by with an average of 2,868 Spankings per year.

• Income Inequality: The disparity between rich and poor is among the highest in the world, with the top 1% living in unfathomable luxury while the majority of citizens struggle just to survive.

• Beverage Industry: The dominant force in Liberal Robenia’s economy, the beverage industry controls nearly every aspect of daily life. Soda is more than a drink—it’s a way of life, a cultural obsession, and a tool of control. Major beverage corporations sponsor entire districts, providing residents with the illusion of choice as they are bombarded by constant advertising. Beverage executives wield immense political power, often influencing or directly dictating national policy.

• Retail and Technology: Massive retail and technology corporations monopolize both consumer markets and social infrastructure. These companies are responsible for everything from the design of residential districts to the control of transportation and communication networks. Consumers are locked into corporate ecosystems, where everything from food to medical care is purchased through the same retail conglomerates, often on credit systems that trap individuals in perpetual debt.

• Uranium Mining: Uranium extraction drives much of the inland economy, with dangerous mines operated by private contractors who exploit workers in hazardous conditions. The radioactive contamination around these areas has rendered much of the land uninhabitable, but corporate entities continue to extract resources with little oversight. Despite the human toll, the uranium industry remains a cornerstone of the nation's economy, and Liberal Robenia is one of the world's largest exporters of the material.

• Underground Economy: Beneath the official economic structures lies a vast and unregulated black market. This illicit economy thrives in the slums and unpoliced regions, dealing in everything from narcotics and illegal arms to stolen corporate data. These underground networks are vital for the survival of the lower classes, who often have no access to legitimate economic avenues.

Crime and Law Enforcement

• Overview: Crime is rampant across Liberal Robenia, especially in the lower-class districts where private security forces refuse to operate. Law enforcement, like everything else, is privatized and available only to those who can afford it. The rich live in heavily fortified areas guarded by elite private militias, while the poor are left to fend for themselves in lawless zones.

• Gun Ownership: Every citizen is required by law to own at least one firearm, a policy that has led to an endless cycle of violence in poorer districts. Shootouts, gang wars, and armed robberies are a common occurrence.

• Private Security: Wealthy citizens and corporations employ private armies to enforce their interests. These security forces operate with impunity, suppressing dissent, controlling labor movements, and protecting the property of the elite.

• Absence of Prisons: The lack of public prisons means that criminals are dealt with harshly by private security forces. Punishments for crimes vary wildly based on wealth, with the poor often executed or forced into debt slavery, while the wealthy buy their way out of any legal trouble.

• Lawless Zones: Entire districts in cities like Tiag and Crimh are effectively lawless, where private security refuses to operate and gang control is the norm. These zones have been abandoned by the state, left to the control of violent syndicates that enforce their own brutal rule. Life here is cheap, and the only law is the barrel of a gun.

• Debt Slavery: For those who cannot pay their debts, a system of modern-day slavery exists in which individuals are sold to corporate entities as laborers. These workers, bound by lifetime contracts, toil in unsafe conditions for minimal pay, with little hope of ever escaping their obligations. Children born into debtor families are often contracted out at a young age, continuing the cycle of poverty and servitude.

• Privatized Courts and Justice: Legal disputes are settled by private arbitration firms that operate on a tiered payment system. The more one can afford, the more favorable the outcome. This system ensures that the wealthy never face true justice, while the poor are subject to exploitative rulings or forced into menial labor. The wealthy can also opt to pay for personalized law enforcement services, where mercenaries ensure their safety and enforce their interests, often with deadly force.


• Overview: The nation's military is entirely privatized, with a network of private military corporations (PMCs) controlling both domestic and international security operations. These PMCs are loyal only to their corporate clients, and many have been implicated in brutal crackdowns on dissent and labor uprisings.

• Personnel: Liberal Robenia's private military forces number in the millions, with mercenaries recruited from both inside and outside the nation.

• Budget: $8 trillion, funded entirely by corporate interests.

• Private Military Corporations (PMCs): Liberal Robenia’s military is nothing more than a collection of private military corporations (PMCs) that function independently and often in competition with one another. These corporations are heavily funded by the elite and provide security for corporate interests both domestically and abroad. PMCs are also deployed to suppress worker uprisings, enforce corporate law in rebellious regions, and occasionally launch operations in foreign nations to secure valuable resources or strike down emerging competition.

• Mercenary Forces: Liberal Robenia’s mercenary forces are notorious for their brutality and efficiency. Composed of soldiers for hire from all over the world, these forces are employed not just for traditional defense but for corporate warfare and security. Domestic operations focus on quelling dissent, maintaining order in the lawless zones, and suppressing any attempts at rebellion among the lower classes.

• Corporate Wars: The military landscape is further complicated by frequent “corporate wars,” where rival businesses use their PMCs to settle disputes over territory, resources, or market dominance. These conflicts are often bloody, and civilian casualties are regarded as collateral damage. Entire city blocks have been destroyed in the crossfire between competing corporate armies, with little to no intervention from the government.

Social Issues

• Opioid Epidemic: In the capital, Wieato, and other major cities, opioid addiction is rampant. The government and corporations alike turn a blind eye to the crisis, as it keeps the lower classes pacified. In many districts, entire communities have succumbed to addiction, with public spaces filled with individuals lost to the grip of powerful narcotics. In Wieato, entire districts are known colloquially as the "Nod Zones," where addiction is not just common but ubiquitous. The streets are littered with makeshift shelters, and the addicted population is controlled through periodic "cleansings" by corporate-run clinics that either rehabilitate or discard the addicted, depending on their potential value to corporate labor forces.

• Tourism: Despite the grim realities, Liberal Robenia attracts thrill-seeking tourists. The allure lies in experiencing the megacities' excesses and decadence, packaged as "extreme tourism." Visitors pay exorbitant fees for curated survival experiences in slum zones or corporate-run luxury towers. Tourist deaths are frequent, and disappearances are often covered up by corporations eager to maintain the illusion of controlled chaos. The nation even markets its most dangerous cities as "adrenaline capitals of the world," where thrill-seekers can witness or participate in gang violence, industrial accidents, or dangerous street races. The wealthy elite often treat tourism as sport, betting on the fates of foreigners who visit Robenia's most dangerous slums.

• Corporate Propaganda and Media Control: Media is entirely controlled by the leading corporations, and the average citizen is constantly bombarded by advertising and propaganda that reinforces the ideals of hyper-capitalism. News agencies operate under strict corporate guidelines, and any dissent or critique of the system is immediately suppressed or discredited. Media outlets churn out content designed to distract and pacify the population, from hyper-commercialized entertainment to sensationalist coverage of crime, all while avoiding any real discussion of systemic inequality or corporate abuses. The illusion of choice in media consumption is pervasive, as all outlets are owned by the same few corporate conglomerates.

• Environmental Degradation: The environmental situation in Liberal Robenia has reached catastrophic levels. Years of unchecked corporate exploitation have left much of the nation’s natural landscape devastated. Massive industrial zones sprawl across what was once arable land, and inland cities like Migtse and Eitha are choked by pollution. Rivers run black with industrial waste, and the air quality in the megacities is so poor that breathing masks are mandatory for those who can afford them. For the poor, respiratory diseases are rampant, and children growing up in the lower levels of cities often suffer from stunted growth and developmental issues. Yet, the government continues to issue permits for more exploitation, driven by the endless demand for resources to fuel the sprawling economy. The elite, of course, reside in climate-controlled towers far above the worst of the smog and waste.

• Education: Education is another entirely privatized sector, accessible only to those with significant wealth. The top-tier schools, located in corporate enclaves, offer cutting-edge technological education and cultivate the next generation of corporate leaders. Meanwhile, the lower classes are largely excluded from formal education, relying instead on piecemeal and exploitative vocational training that serves only to keep them in low-wage, high-risk jobs. Public schooling has been completely dismantled, replaced by corporate-sponsored programs that prioritize obedience and productivity over critical thinking or social mobility. These corporate-run "learning facilities" churn out workers optimized for repetitive tasks in factories or service jobs, with little hope of upward mobility.


Liberal Robenia stands as a monument to unchecked capitalism, where corporate power overrides all other forms of governance, and the free market dictates every aspect of life. From the skyscrapers of Wieato to the radioactive wastelands of Maciville, the nation is a place where survival depends on wealth, and those without it are left to suffer. Crime, inequality, addiction, and environmental collapse are not problems to be solved but are seen as inevitable consequences of a system designed to benefit the few at the expense of the many. Life in Liberal Robenia is a ceaseless struggle, where hope is in short supply, and the only certainty is that the rich will continue to get richer while the poor continue to fall deeper into despair.
