You mess with the people, you mess with the state! The Founder
Largest Governments: 3rdMost Patriotic: 3rdHighest Average Tax Rates: 4th
The Third Social Alliance of
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Governor / The Ruling Party
Civil Rights
Political Freedom
Very Good

Overview Factbook Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards

Kyldellian Halon

Population25.219 billion

CapitalThe Great Fortress of Mt Iris
LeaderThe Founder


The Third Social Alliance of Kyldellian Halon is a gargantuan, cultured nation, ruled by The Founder with an even hand, and remarkable for its ubiquitous missile silos, punitive income tax rates, and compulsory gun ownership. The hard-nosed, cheerful, devout population of 25.219 billion Kyldellians have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

The large government prioritizes Defense, with Education, Industry, and Administration also on the agenda. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of The Great Fortress of Mt Iris. The income tax rate is 100%.

The frighteningly efficient Kyldellian economy, worth an astonishing 17,517 trillion Grams a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. The industrial sector, which is broadly diversified, is led by the Information Technology industry, with major contributions from Arms Manufacturing, Book Publishing, and Automobile Manufacturing. Average income is a breathtaking 694,614 Grams, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

Souvenir shops that sell alphorns are taking advantage of gullible tourists, The Great Fortress of Mt Iris's flashy holiday light displays can be seen from space, weird kids who eat bugs are breaking the law, and an online tea-bagging epidemic is getting worse and (meta)worse. Crime is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Kyldellian Halon's national animal is the Monster, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its national religion is Morvolox.

Kyldellian Halon is ranked 36th in the world and 1st in Kylden for Smartest Citizens, with 557.54 quips per hour.

Largest Governments: 3rdMost Patriotic: 3rdHighest Average Tax Rates: 4thMost Cultured: 6thSafest: 6thMost Efficient Economies: 12thLowest Crime Rates: 22ndHighest Workforce Participation Rate: 31stMost Scientifically Advanced: 34thSmartest Citizens: 36thHighest Food Quality: 44thMost Popular Tourist Destinations: 44thHighest Poor Incomes: 65thMost Developed: 75thLongest Average Lifespans: 81stHighest Average Incomes: 113thMost Subsidized Industry: 129thLargest Publishing Industry: 130thMost Inclusive: 133rdMost Advanced Public Transport: 137thHealthiest Citizens: 171stMost Advanced Defense Forces: 181stRudest Citizens: 191stLargest Manufacturing Sector: 242ndHighest Economic Output: 244thMost Devout: 272ndLargest Automobile Manufacturing Sector: 293rdMost Armed: 315thMost Extensive Public Healthcare: 317thMost Advanced Public Education: 333rdLargest Agricultural Sector: 383rdMost Advanced Law Enforcement: 420thLargest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 450thLargest Information Technology Sector: 496thLargest Welfare Programs: 591stLargest Basket Weaving Sector: 675thMost Cheerful Citizens: 776thMost Rebellious Youth: 1,220thHighest Foreign Aid Spending: 1,388thLargest Furniture Restoration Industry: 1,737thMost Eco-Friendly Governments: 1,748thMost Stationary: 3,067thMost Beautiful Environments: 3,199thLargest Soda Pop Sector: 3,227thHighest Wealthy Incomes: 3,233rdTop
Largest Pizza Delivery Sector: 3,577thLargest Retail Industry: 4,835thLargest Cheese Export Sector: 5,064thMost Valuable International Artwork: 5,674thMost Influential: 7,120thLargest Populations: 10,296thLeast Corrupt Governments: 10,598thTop
Most World Assembly Endorsements: 30,192ndLargest Trout Fishing Sector: 30,940th
Most Devout: 1st in the regionMost Patriotic: 1st in the regionRudest Citizens: 1st in the regionLargest Insurance Industry: 1st in the regionLowest Crime Rates: 1st in the regionLargest Agricultural Sector: 1st in the regionMost Developed: 1st in the regionMost Scientifically Advanced: 1st in the regionHighest Workforce Participation Rate: 1st in the regionMost Advanced Law Enforcement: 1st in the regionLargest Governments: 1st in the regionMost Cultured: 1st in the regionMost Efficient Economies: 1st in the regionHighest Food Quality: 1st in the regionSmartest Citizens: 1st in the regionLargest Trout Fishing Sector: 1st in the regionMost Popular Tourist Destinations: 1st in the regionLargest Basket Weaving Sector: 1st in the regionLargest Mining Sector: 1st in the regionHighest Average Tax Rates: 1st in the regionSafest: 1st in the regionMost Inclusive: 1st in the regionMost Valuable International Artwork: 1st in the regionLargest Automobile Manufacturing Sector: 1st in the regionLongest Average Lifespans: 1st in the regionMost Influential: 1st in the regionLargest Furniture Restoration Industry: 1st in the regionMost Stationary: 1st in the regionTop
Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry: 2nd in the regionMost Average: 2nd in the regionLargest Cheese Export Sector: 2nd in the regionMost World Assembly Endorsements: 2nd in the regionHealthiest Citizens: 2nd in the regionHighest Disposable Incomes: 2nd in the region

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:

  • : Following new legislation in Kyldellian Halon, an online tea-bagging epidemic is getting worse and (meta)worse.
  • : Following new legislation in Kyldellian Halon, weird kids who eat bugs are breaking the law.
  • : Following new legislation in Kyldellian Halon, The Great Fortress of Mt Iris's flashy holiday light displays can be seen from space.
  • : Following new legislation in Kyldellian Halon, souvenir shops that sell alphorns are taking advantage of gullible tourists.
  • : Following new legislation in Kyldellian Halon, community-designed sword prostheses are becoming dangerously common.
  • : Following new legislation in Kyldellian Halon, arbitrary election rules are considered sacrosanct.
  • : Following new legislation in Kyldellian Halon, children regularly take part in blood sports that result in extreme boo-boos.
  • : Following new legislation in Kyldellian Halon, elevator music has been replaced by thrash metal played at maximum volume.
  • : Following new legislation in Kyldellian Halon, stealing from a clothesline is a serious offence.
  • : Following new legislation in Kyldellian Halon, the government has begun selling heroin and ecstasy to help fund its projects.

