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Factory sprawls and Under sprawl

Where once great forest stood, there is now the factory sprawls, factories and assembly lines dot this large area with the workers often living right next to them. The people form a wall of shacks and homes surrounding the area, with tinkers who take the trash of others and the factories to make into home products to sell. The sprawls are classified into 3 different sections, the Rustways, Pipe walks, and Workplace. The Rust ways are gaps in the walls and machinery that lead out of different factories and into other ones, since it is not uncommon for some factories in the sprawl to be shut down and left to later be reused maybe years later. In these cases, the Rustways become the only way in, and the Tollies who know the maze of metal and pipes lead others there to loot what they can. The largest system of Rustways is called the Underway, an abomination of old and new buildings and sewer pipes that span for around 3 miles. The pipe walks are the cat walks that lead from spiral to spiral and top of factories to other tops, remade and destroyed constantly its created and maze in the sky for the repairmen and those that go to loot who don't want to pay a Tollie, with the risk of a deadly fall. The workplace is the actual factories that the people work, where the wood comes from the forest cut to make more sprawls, and metals from the under sprawl.

The Under sprawl is the vast networks of tunnels made from the mines. It is divided into 3 sections, the Dwells, Active veins, and Forges. The Dwells are old now dried up veins of material and tunnels left behind, now with people inhabiting them. Old veins made into mass rooms or storage, tunnels leading to those veins have single rooms off the side along it, the strangest one is Undlan, and the simple fact it has not collapsed is a true miracle. The active veins or simple, active veins that are being mined. The forges are also simple, its where ores are processed.
