Standard military
Conscript- Since the days of Ikaian the people of Angmasiond are ALL expected to prepare for military duties, aside from the standard Khar 98 or MP-30, bayonet, 1911 sidearm, helmet with sentry faceplate, gas mask, PROM-1, some a Daigre shield, and Ikain armor, conscripts are expected to provide all else, including EXTRA ammunition. (Ikain armor is a body armor that is a metal plate and a layer of Kevlar on top.) Divided into squads of 15, 1 Overseer, 1 Anti Armor soldier equipped with a Type 97 anti-tank gun, and 13 reg conscripts.Stan Infantry- These are people that have decided on a carrier in the military, standard Ak 46 or AKM, 1911 sidearm, helmet, gas mask, frag grenade, axe, and full Kevlar armor. Roles such as Sappers, Breachers, and Clearers are given more specialized items. Sappers given 2 sticks of dynamite each, and the Goliath tracked mines. Breachers are given satchel charges. Clearers are given extra frag and flash grenades, and GDS shields. Each has the same squad divides as conscripts.
Bezumie- The Bezumie are the ones that join not for money, they are not given money, they are not forced, they want to join. These are the crazy, the daredevils, and adrenaline seekers who do not care about their own safety or half the time others safety. They are put in a Kolesnica, with 1 or 2 people in each, and the rest is a roll of the dice. Lunge mine, LMG, Grenade Launcher, and so on.
Conscripts are often seen with a crude weapon of warped metal they made, blunt or spiked, bladed or jagged, they have it. It is often out of desperation they would turn in their bayonet for extra rations or more often more ammo, these weapons made during their breaks from mostly factory work in their civilian lives. Some have been seen as a stick with a ball of metal at the top, and others have made entire cleavers to use. The Stan Infantry have a wide armory available to them, if their commander wishes. Most units controlled by commanders must purchase additional gear such as mortars and heavy machine guns if they want them. The Bezumie and there Kolesnicas are for some who drive them in the tracks at races, are an offence to the very concept, but they don't see it like that. They see it as a pure version, no fancy carvings, to sleek design, just a Kolesnica of warped metal going full speed at the enemy. No race other than the first to arrive at the enemy, and first to die a great death, a fun death. This for the Bezumie is not a job, not a sport, nor a war, but a playground, a wonderland of fun and so they go to battle with a smile on their face. (Kolesnica- search up Motorcycle Chariot racing)