The Gnostic City-State of Alexandria Alexandrian: Η Γνωστική Πόλη-Κράτος της Αλεξάνδρειας |
Gnostic Palace, Alexandria |
Capital: Alexandria |
Official language: Alexandrian Greek |
Government: Parliamentary monarchy |
Prime Minister: Theodra Astraeus |
Legislature: National Assembly |
Independence: 2024 |
Area: 2,679 km² (1,035 sq mi) |
Population: 5,231,000 |
Currency: Alexandrian Denar ₪🪙 |
The Gnostic City-State of Alexandria, commonly known as Alexandria, is a sovereign city-state and microstate located on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. It is renowned for its unique blend of Hellenistic and ancient Egyptian culture and Gnostic spirituality, as well as its parliamentary monarchy system.
Alexandria was founded in 331 BCE by Alexander the Great and became a major center of Hellenistic civilization. Over the centuries, it developed a distinct Gnostic tradition, which became the dominant spiritual and philosophical framework of the city.
In 2024, following the unrest in Egypt, Alexandria declared independence as a city-state, establishing itself as a haven for Gnostic scholars and practitioners from around the world.
Government and Politics
Alexandria is governed as a parliamentary monarchy. The monarch, currently Lennart Raybrandt, serves as the head of state and spiritual leader of the Gnostic community. The head of government is the Prime Minister, who is elected by the Gnostic Assembly, the unicameral legislature.
The National Assembly consists of 120 members, elected every four years through a proportional representation system. Political parties in Alexandria tend to align along different schools of Gnostic thought rather than traditional left-right ideologies.
Alexandria's economy is primarily service-based, with major contributions from:
· Tourism (especially spiritual and historical tourism)
· Education (the University of Alexandria is world-renowned for Gnostic studies)
· Financial services
· Technology (particularly in the fields of digital archiving and ancient language processing)
Alexandrian culture is deeply influenced by its Gnostic heritage, ancient Greek roots, and Mediterranean location. The city-state is famous for:
· The New Library of Alexandria, a modern reimagining of the ancient institution
· The Mouseion, a research center and think tank for Gnostic philosophy
· Annual Festival of Light, celebrating Gnostic spirituality and enlightenment
· Unique cuisine blending Greek, Egyptian, and Levantine influences
International Relations
Despite its small size, Alexandria plays a significant role in international affairs, particularly in matters related to spirituality, philosophy, and ancient studies. It maintains neutrality in most global conflicts, focusing instead on promoting dialogue and understanding between different belief systems.
The One rules all. Nothing has authority over it.
It is the God.
It is Father of everything,
Holy One
The invisible one over everything.
It is uncontaminated
Pure light no eye can bear to look within.
The One is the Invisible Spirit.
It is not right to think of it as a God or as like God.
It is more than just God.
Nothing is above it.
Nothing rules it.
Since everything exists within it
It does not exist within anything.
Since it is not dependent on anything
It is eternal.
It is absolutely complete and so needs nothing.
It is utterly perfect
The One is without boundaries
Nothing exists outside of it to border it
The One cannot be investigated
Nothing exists apart from it to investigate it
The One cannot be measured
Nothing exists external to it to measure it
The One cannot be seen
For no one can envision it
The One is eternal
For it exists forever
The One is inconceivable
For no one can comprehend it
The One is indescribable
For no one can put any words to it.
The One is infinite light
The One is incomprehensible
Perfectly free from corruption.
Not “perfect”
Not “blessed”
Not “divine”
But superior to such concepts.
Neither physical nor unphysical
Neither immense nor infinitesimal
It is impossible to specify in quantity or quality
For it is beyond knowledge.
The One is not a being among other beings
It is vastly superior
But it is not “superior.”
It is outside of realms of being and time
For whatever is within realms of being was created
And whatever is within time had time allotted to it
The One receives nothing from anything.
It simply apprehends itself in its own perfect light
The One is majestic.
The One is measureless majesty
Chief of all Realms
Producing all realms
Producing light
Producing life
Producing blessedness
Producing knowledge
Producing goodness
Producing mercy
Producing generosity
[It does not “possess” these things.]
It gives forth light beyond measure, beyond comprehension.
[What can I say?]
His realm is eternal, peaceful, silent, resting, before everything.
He is the head of every realm sustaining each of them through goodness.
I am the Providence of everything.
I became like my own human children.
I existed from the first.
I walked down every possible road.
I am the wealth of the light.
I am the remembering of the fullness.
I walked into the place of greatest darkness and on down.
I entered the central part of the prison.
The foundations of chaos quaked.
I hid because of their evil.
They did not recognise me.
I came down a second time
continuing on.
I emerged from among those of light
I am the remembering of Providence
I entered the middle of darkness,
The inner part of the underworld
To pursue my mission.
The foundations of chaos quaked.
Threatening to collapse upon all who were there
And utterly destroy them
I soared upward again
To my roots in light
So as not to destroy them all yet.
I descended a third time.
I am light
I am dwelling in light
I am the remembering of Providence
I entered the midst of darkness
I came to the deepest part of the underworld.
I let my face light up
Thinking of the end of their time
I entered their prison
The body is that prison
I cried out:
“Anyone who hears,
Rise up from your deep sleep!”
And the sleeping one awoke and wept
Wiping bitter tears saying
“Who calls me?”
“Where has my hope come from
As I lie in the depths of this prison?”
“I am the Providence of pure light,” I replied,
“I am the thought of the Virgin Spirit
Raising you up to an honored place.
Rise up!
Remember what you have heard.
Trace back your roots
To me.
The merciful one.
Guard against the poverty demons.
Guard against the chaos demons.
Guard against all who would bind you.
Stay awake!
Rise out of the depths of the underworld!
I raised him up
I sealed him with the light/water of the five seals.
Death had no power over him ever again.
I ascend again to the perfect realm.
I completed everything and you have heard it.”